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Monthly Archives: May 2010

Gringo Mask solves Immigration Problem

Want a creative way to solve the immigration problem? An advertising agency in Florida, owned by latinos, came up with the “Gringo Mask” that allows anyone to look like they “belong” in America: © Cristobal Herrera/Sun Sentinel Unfortunately, their little joke must have pissed off some people, because they took it down from the website. […]


Who’s more of a risk? A homo or a homophobe?

© Tom Toles To people who think that gays are a danger to society: Personally, I think people who hate gays are a bigger danger. Luckily, a solution might be close to being worked out.


How many nuclear weapons do we need?

Two military professors have written an interesting piece in the NY Times. They have come up with a plausible answer to the question “how many nuclear weapons do we need to assure our national security”. They come up with a number, 311, and provide evidence that this number would be more than sufficient. After all, […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The Pulitzer Prize for fiction was handed out today, given to Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal for his Vietnam War memoir.” – Jay Leno “Well, that’s the big story in Connecticut. Their attorney general, Richard Blumenthal, who was considered a shoo-in for his race for the U.S. Senate, is now under fire for claiming that […]


Good News!

© Walt Handelsman Are they containing the spill, or containing the news? Meanwhile, the GOP — for the second time — moved to make sure that we taxpayers pay for the oil spill, rather than BP.


Late Night Political Humor

“How about that volcano in Iceland. It’s still erupting, but it’s no longer the biggest environmental disaster. Now, Iceland is teaming up with BP to create this summer’s top catastrophe. A Lorimar production.” – David Letterman “Have you been following the big oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Or as we call it now, […]


What will they do with the country after they take it back?

© Tony Auth © Bruce Beattie


Sticking to their Guns

The National Rifle Association held their national convention in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. What’s somewhat ironic is that it is illegal to carry weapons (either open or concealed) in the convention center there. So the NRA is promoting the right to carry guns (almost) anywhere, but you can’t carry guns at their own convention. They […]


How many of you guessed that this would happen?

Just two years ago, Arizona needed workers. How long before they decide they need to go easier on illegals again?


Danger! Danger! Republican Robinson!

© Clay Bennett Be careful what you start!


If Obama Holds a Press Conference, and Fox Doesn’t Cover It, It Didn’t Happen!

The Fox Nation website claims that Obama hasn’t held a press conference since July 2009, and that he is hiding from the media. The same claim was made by Newsmax. But Media Matters points out that Obama has held two full press conferences this year, one on February 9 and another on April 13, where […]


If you can’t be right, be neo-right!

© Ruben Bolling This is brilliant. In a non-reality-based frame, you never have to be wrong again!


Terminology Termination

© Matt Bors I find the way corporations use words to be very ironic. Several people have pointed out that in order for something to be called a “spill”, whatever is spilling must have been contained beforehand. The Exxon Valdez was a spill, because the oil was contained in a tanker before it was spilled. […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Scientists say they have developed a car that can run on water. The only catch is, the water has to come from the Gulf of Mexico.” – Jay Leno “Have you folks heard about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Here’s what they’re doing now. They got a one-mile-long suction hose. It was […]


Not Drinking the Kool-Aid

© Joel Pett If Tuesday’s election proved anything, it is that Tea Party anger, although mostly fostered and funded by Republicans, can definitely cause blow-back.
