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Muslim on a Plane

I totally cracked up laughing at this:

© Ruben Bolling



  1. patriotsgt wrote:

    Perhaps it is almost time to have a serious discussion in this country about racism, preferences and prejudices. But judging from the reactions around Oreilly’s view appearance and Williams’ firing by NPR we are not.

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 6:16 am | Permalink
  2. Txjill wrote:

    And judging by the treatment of people driving down a street with an Obama sticker and being chased down by some bubba yelling “N— Lover, you must love black d*ck”, then no we are not ready.

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7:06 am | Permalink
  3. Jeff wrote:

    The comic is funny until you realize that there are people like this. We had an issue at our local airport when someone contacted authorities to report a “Muslim” in the terminal. It wasn’t; it was a guy with a bandage wrapped around his head and waiting to meet someone off a plane. The climate of fear, paranoia, and P.C. has really turned volatile.

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 7:51 am | Permalink
  4. patriotsgt wrote:

    TXJILL – I’m embarrassed at the experience you had to put up with. I hope too many others don’t have to experience the same. This happens on all sides of the political spectrum and with our public celebrities. It should be equally appalling when a bigtime media personality calls a US Senate candidate a B*$#@ on national TV or a female candidate for Gov can be called a W*%$#@ and people think thats OK. It just gives the other side permission to go even farther and shows neither political side is ready for any real discussion. They are all too interested in promoting politics.

    Any serious conversation needs to start with “we all have inherent prejudices, preferences and yes racist or bigotist attitudes.” Now whether we act on these is another matter, but we all have them. Why can’t we discuss them and perhaps in the process diminish or eliminate them?

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 8:37 am | Permalink
  5. Iron Knee wrote:

    hear hear

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 9:49 am | Permalink
  6. Jason Ray wrote:

    Hear hear as well – and attend the Rally to Restore Sanity on the National Mall (or a satellite rally in your city, or watch it live on Comedy Central) this Saturday from 12:00 to 3:00 Eastern time.

    I’m flying to DC tomorrow to attend, hopefully some people will get the message that reasonable people with different opinions can have rational discussions to find workable solutions to real problems.

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 1:04 pm | Permalink
  7. patriotsgt wrote:

    I cannot attend – but my HS Junior son and some of his classmates are going. (ironically he’s a member of the young republicans group at his ultra liberal school). They all just think Stewart and Colbert are too funny and are hoping to hear a good comedy show. They also agree with some of their points to boot.

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 1:25 pm | Permalink
  8. Iron Knee wrote:

    Now that’s bipartisanship!

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 1:39 pm | Permalink
  9. Patricia Andrews wrote:

    I re-raise my question about how much the easy anonymity on internet chat pages makes the type of dialogue you are describing here so easy to encourage and spread! Saying that, I also know that that anonymity is supporsed to be for protection!!! Ironic???

    Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 11:37 pm | Permalink
  10. Iron Knee wrote:

    Patricia, I think it can go either way. I have purposely kept commenting on this blog as anonymous as possible. Commenters do not have to give any identifying information, nor do they have to do a captcha or jump through any other hoops. And yet, I am very pleased with the level of discourse in here. The only downside is that I have to be constantly on the lookout for spam!

    So anonymity works both ways. It can encourage people to speak their mind, and that can be both a good thing or a bad thing. I think the more important factor is if people feel that what they say is listened to. If people think their opinions are respected, then they are more likely to personally identify with what they are saying, and thus speak more respectfully themselves.

    Friday, October 29, 2010 at 10:49 am | Permalink
  11. patriotsgt wrote:

    Thats it exactly IK.

    I grew up in a small town just outside Baltimore. We had 2 restaurants on the main street at opposite ends of the “downtown” about 5 min walk apart. One was known as the republican eatery the other the democrat eatery. Every morning people would go to each restaurant to have breakfast and begin the days discussions on current events and politics. It was not uncommon for people to alternate establishments and very common for local politicians to stop in and chat giving the people a direct communication link to their elected representatives and allowing them to express ideas personally (It’s when politicians used to have good ideas). Ah, the good old days.
    I can say that I go back to the town for holidays like the 4th of July and I still see and talk to the local politicians (they know alot of people by name -because our families all grew up together). The 2 restaurants are still there, but now usually only the old timers go to discuss current events and politics. I guess the younger generations (under 40)are either blogging, don’t have the time or just don’t care as much.

    Friday, October 29, 2010 at 3:18 pm | Permalink