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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Only the little people pay taxes

It has been over three years since Warren Buffett pointed out that he pays a smaller percentage of his income in taxes than his employees. In fact, his receptionist payed almost twice the percentage he pays, even though he doesn’t even take advantage of tax shelters that are available to the rich. It isn’t like […]


Border Security a Waste of Billions of Dollars

When you hear a conservative say that we have to “secure our border” before we can have immigration reform, you should ask them a few questions. What does “secure our border” even mean? Is it even possible? Has it ever been done, anywhere? What would it take to completely secure a land border? What problems […]


Losers Bracket

© Ed Stein We seem intent on turning ourselves into a third world country. UPDATE: I don’t want to be a teacher any more.


Feeding the Hand that Bites You

© Matt Wuerker This cartoon makes the point that we don’t learn from history, but I think it might even be worse than that. At least in some cases, we have encouraged these people to become dictators. Democracy can be such a messy thing.


Late Night Political Humor

“Rahm Emanuel is expected to win the election for mayor of Chicago. In keeping with Chicago tradition, his victory was announced two weeks ago.” – Conan O’Brien “Congratulations to Rahm Emanuel on being elected as mayor of Chicago. How do I know he will win? It’s Chicago, I called a guy last week to find […]


What’s really going on in Wisconsin

The Republicans will tell you it is about balancing the budget, but the real reasons the GOP is launching a full attack on unions is more about politics than it is about policy. As Howard Fineman points out: Last fall, GOP operatives hoped and expected to take away as many as 20 governorships from the […]


Reverse Political Psychology

© Matt Bors The Right Wing attacks the First Lady. I guess turnabout is fair play. Especially ironic is Sarah Palin — who attacked Michelle Obama for encouraging breastfeeding — but when she was governor of Alaska introduced a breastfeeding awareness month.


Iran Masters the Technology to Weaponize Irony


Walking in his Shoes

[reprinted from Bullseye Rooster.] “If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain, when I’m in the White House, I’ll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I’ll walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America.” – Barack Obama, November 2nd, 2007 in […]


What’s Next?

© Ben Sargent I think this comic says it all.


Libya Darling

[reprinted from Political Relief. Thanks Chris!] Libya Darling and Keep the Oil Flowing For a country that did something truly revolutionary 235 years ago and is rightfully proud of it, our reactions to the recent protests in the Arab world would leave all but the most cynical person scratching their heads. Libya is the latest […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Happy Presidents Day. This is a day when we celebrate history by getting great deals on mattresses.” – Craig Ferguson “I’m glad we have a day for the presidents, but shouldn’t we have a day for Congress when the Senate and the House can kick back and not worry about getting anything done? Oh, wait.” […]


Dictatorial Master?

© Clay Bennett Actually, it seems like they own us outside of work as well.


Reshuffling Jobs on the Titanic

Don’t get me wrong — I love non-partisan fact checking sites like PolitiFact and FactCheck (even when I don’t entirely agree with their findings). But PolitiFact hit one of my hot buttons the other day when they perpetuated what I think is one of the biggest propaganda bamboozles of modern times. The story that hit […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama met with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in Silicon Valley yesterday. Zuckerberg said he could create new jobs. The bad news? They’re all in Farmville.” – Conan O’Brien “President Obama had dinner with some of the top tech executives: the CEO of Facebook, the CEO of Apple, the CEO of Oracle, and their waiter, […]
