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Monthly Archives: August 2011

Jon Huntsman Likes Science


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s never enough for the media. They’re like children: ‘Mom, can I get a Paul Ryan?’ ‘I just got you a Rick Perry! And you already broke your Michele Bachmann. And before I get you anything else, where the fuck is your Ron Paul?’” – Jon Stewart “Michele Bachmann said that when she is president, […]


Hoarse Race

© Tom Tomorrow Yes, Michele Bachmann really did vow to drive gasoline prices to less than $2 per gallon if she is elected president. So either she does not understand how free markets work, or she is simply against them. She is hypocritically promoting government interference in a market even though she claims that the […]


Perry Defends Abstinence Education

How can anyone watch this and take Rick Perry even slightly seriously. The man is a walking joke. I mean, he isn’t even smart enough to change the subject or otherwise deflect the issue. Which would be fine if he actually answered the question, rather than just stubbornly claiming that abstinence-only sex education works, when […]


Huntsman the Truth-Teller

One of the problems being a moderate right now is that the Republican party has gone so far to the crazy right that it is hard to find any balance in politics. So it is absolutely wonderful to see a candidate like Jon Huntsman, who is something I didn’t think I would see in the […]


Korporations for Kids!

© Ruben Bolling If corporations are people, then why do some people argue that taxing corporations is “double taxation”? Doesn’t that mean that corporations are not people? And why aren’t corporations bound by the same political contribution limits as actual people? Silly me, I guess what the Supreme Court meant is that corporations have all […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Texas Governor Rick Perry distanced himself from George W. Bush by saying, ‘I went to Texas A&M. He went to Yale.’ In other words, his idea of instilling confidence is by saying, ‘Don’t worry. I’m not as smart as George W. Bush.’” – Conan O’Brien “You want a president who would, in a rainstorm, grab […]


Cartoonist Prayers Answered

© Lee Judge Actually, I’m developing a new theory that many of the current Republican presidential candidates are running not because they think they can win (even the nomination, let alone the election), but because it gives them attention and/or money.


Late Night Political Humor

“Michele Bachmann won the Iowa Straw Poll. She said she hasn’t been this excited since she won last year’s ‘Who’s Crazier Than Sarah Palin’ contest.’” – Conan O’Brien “Michelle Bachmann paid $30 each for 6,000 voting tickets in Iowa and got 4,800 votes, so 1,200 people stole her $30. It’s funny that someone who doesn’t […]


Corruption in America

After Standard and Poor downgraded the debt rating of the US, some people noticed that this was the same company that had given AAA ratings to some of the real estate derivatives that had recently gone south. Not only that, but the result of the downgrade was that the stock market dropped, and people reacted […]


Proactive Fundamentalism

© Tom Toles This would explain much about the Republican strategy.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republicans had their big debate in Iowa. You know who the winner was? Anyone that didn’t watch.” – Jay Leno “Michele Bachmann was asked if she was a submissive wife. She said no, but her husband is.” – Jay Leno “Newt Gingrich made a surprise announcement. He’s still in the race.” – Jay Leno […]


Doomed to Repeat the Past?

In 1936, our country was in an even more dire situation than we find ourselves in today. We were heading into the second dip of the Great Depression, with unemployment around 15%. The banking industry was fighting reforms, and monopolies ruled the economy. But FDR didn’t let that stop him. He gave a now-famous speech […]


Jon Stewart, Master of Irony

How can Jon Stewart make me laugh, while at the same time making me ashamed to live in the same country as some of these people he shows in his video clips: Incidentally, even though Jon doesn’t specifically mention Fox News, almost all of the video clips shown are from Fox (and the other three […]


Austerity Survival Guide

© Brian McFadden
