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Late Night Political Humor

“The state attorney general of New York is suing Donald Trump for $40 million, claiming that Donald Trump University is not a real university. The state claims it’s not a real college because students get very little education and were unable to find jobs after they graduated. Sounds like a real college to me.” – Jay Leno

“I guess the attorney general got suspicious it wasn’t a real college when Donald took the senior class on a field trip to try and find President Obama’s birth certificate.” – Jay Leno

“Donald Trump had a university. Well, the state attorney general decided that the Donald Trump University was an unlicensed sham. And I thought, you know you’re at a bad university when your commencement speaker is Whitey Bulger.” – David Letterman

“Anthony Weiner was involved in a three-way car accident over the weekend. One embarrassing moment when someone took out their cell phone camera to take photos of the damage and out of force of habit, he unzipped his fly.” – Jay Leno

“You see Miley Sunday night on the VMA thing, the MTV show? The White House is considering military intervention.” – David Letterman

“The treasury secretary has now asked Congress to raise the debt limit for borrowing more money as soon as possible. The secretary of the treasury said if Congress doesn’t act soon, the government will have to work with only the money it has now. You know, like the rest of us do.” – Jay Leno

[You know, I usually try to pass on the late night humor without comment. But that last one from Jay Leno is just about least funny joke I’ve ever seen, which is saying a lot coming from him. Not only is it not particularly funny, but it isn’t even remotely true. Most people have a home mortgage, or borrow money to buy a car or go to college, and businesses borrow money to expand. It is so wrong it is almost an anti-joke. –iron]



  1. donniebnyc wrote:

    You print a lot of Leno jokes that are thinly veiled right wing propaganda and lies. Leno should be ashamed of himself for doing this and, of course, for not being funny. You should stop reprinting these “jokes” under the humor heading.

    Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 7:56 am | Permalink
  2. wildwood wrote:

    Well it is ironic that a probable billionaire would make jokes about how we all live without borrowing. I’m sure that’s true in his case.

    Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 8:36 am | Permalink
  3. il-08 wrote:

    He also seems to separate the ‘government’ from Congress, insinuating that the ‘government’, aka Obama, is spending all this money without congressional approval, when the reality is completely the opposite. To me this is the crime of Leno, insinuation that spreads absolute falsehoods.

    Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 9:48 am | Permalink
  4. Yes, yes, and yes. It is a massive piece of economic and fiscal illiteracy. Jon Steward also mis-appropriates false assumptions to validate a sort of conservatism economics which is only a degree off of being an eternalization of plutocracy.

    Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 10:14 am | Permalink
  5. Fred Wickham wrote:

    I was glad to see your comment about Leno. He simply is not funny. This is usually the case with conservatives. They make an observation with the intent to win their political point rather than to find the silly little truth that makes us laugh.

    Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 11:53 pm | Permalink