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Late Night Political Humor

“Anybody ever studied at Donald Trump University? The attorney general says it’s a fraudulent operation. Here’s all I know. It’s the only college where you can actually major in condo flipping.” – David Letterman

“The attorney general of New York is now suing Donald Trump for $40 million claiming that Trump University is a fraud. I guess he got suspicious when he realized the dean of the business school was Bernie Madoff.” – Jay Leno

“You know you are not at a top-rank university if the professor has a tip jar on his desk.” – David Letterman

“John Kerry said it’s ‘undeniable’ that the president of Syria is using weapons of mass destruction. Kerry said President Obama needs to build a coalition of countries and attack soon, no matter what others might say. Today former President George Bush said, ‘Hey, good luck with that. Let me know how it works out’.” – Jay Leno

“Wal-Mart will soon begin offering benefits for their employees’ same-sex partners. How about that? Finally a company looking out for the interests of gay and lesbian Chinese factory workers!” – Jay Leno
