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Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Aug 22, 2017]

Before announcing his decision on Afghanistan, President Trump was said to have made a ‘rigorous’ review of the issue. Yes, Trump said, “I must have read at least four tweets about it!” – Conan O’Brien

In his speech on Afghanistan, President Trump said, “Attack we will.” Then Trump introduced his new military strategist: General Mad Dog Yoda. – Conan O’Brien

There were a lot of protestors at a rally today in Phoenix attended by President Trump and Vice President Pence. Things got awkward when it turned out that the “Impeach Trump” chants were being led by Mike Pence. – Conan O’Brien

Mark Wahlberg has been named 2017’s highest-paid male actor. Today, Mark said, “I don’t know why either.” – Conan O’Brien

There’s a new beer coming out that contains marijuana. Unfortunately, the inventor cannot for the life of him remember how he made it. – Conan O’Brien

India has outlawed its long, long practice of “instant divorce.” However, India will still continue to offer its popular “Cool Ranch Divorce.” – Conan O’Brien

Arby’s is celebrating the “Game of Thrones” season finale by offering its customers a giant turkey leg. It’s all part of their “Game of Thrones” tie-in, “Diarrhea is Coming”. – Conan O’Brien
