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Category Archives: Best

Original content that I like the best

Fool me again?

One of my readers posted a link to an article “What if Mueller Proves Trump Collusion and No One Cares?“. The subtitle is even more interesting, “Last week we saw evidence that Manafort shared polling data with Russians, but most Americans were looking the other way.” The article’s point is that there is (for the […]


It’s All about History

There is an amazing interview of President Obama by presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin in Vanity Fair. I’ll give you one extended quote from Obama, but you really should read the whole thing: Early in my presidency, I went to Cairo to make a speech to the Muslim world. And in the afternoon, after the […]


Roger Ebert RIP

[from the end of his memoirs] Kindness covers all of my political beliefs. No need to spell them out. I believe that if, at the end, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can […]


Bribery and Corruption for Fun and Profit

A few weeks ago the front page of the London Sunday Times newspaper broke a story about how some investigative reporters posed as lobbyists for the banking industry trying to get banking reform legislation watered down. Three members of the European parliament took the bait, and agreed to be paid a yearly salary of 100,000 […]


Is the Supreme Court decision really about free speech?

I’ve been reading arguments in favor of the Supreme Court decision removing restrictions on political speech by corporations. Some of these arguments come from people or groups I trust, so I was curious to see if they could change my mind about the decision. First, I should explain that I am not against the Supreme […]


Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

A few nights ago, Todd Harris, a top Republican strategist appeared on Hardball to talk about Republicans winning Congressional seats in this year’s midterm elections. Chris Matthews invites him to give a rundown of the accomplishments of the Republican Party in the last fifteen to twenty years. Watch what happens: Harris doesn’t seem to be […]


Real Power Bipartisanship

A company in Salt Lake City has announced a new battery that can store enough energy to run your house, and is cheap enough (projected cost $2,000) and has a long enough life (10 years) to make it practical and profitable. The new battery would make it economical for homes to generate and store their […]


Ten (ironic) reasons to support health care reform

People who are fighting for health care reform should learn a lesson from their opponents and become less reality based. To help this, I modestly propose ten talking points that show how health care reform can appeal to everyone, including conservatives, insurance companies, and even the media: Health care reform will immensely help the conservative […]


Republicans are fearful of health care reform not because it will be bad, but because it will be good

Senator Bernie Sanders makes the excellent point. The Republicans try to scare us that socialized medicine will be terrible, but the truth is that we already have socialized medicine in this country — it is run by the Veterans Administration. If any politician tried to get rid of the VA health benefits, they would quickly […]


If a public option would drive private health insurance out of business, how do UPS and Fedex survive against the USPS?

The next time a pundit claims that a public option will put private health insurance companies out of business and lead to socialized health care, I hope someone asks them how UPS, Fedex, and hundreds of other smaller delivery companies are still in business, despite having to compete with the US Post Office. This is […]


Like a jealous lover, the insurance industry doesn’t want you to be able to get health insurance from anyone, even if they turned you down

Instead of a “healthy” debate, the arguments against health care reform are becoming more and more bizarre. I’ve already talked about the fact that even though most people are in favor of single-payer health insurance, our representatives are so owned by the insurance companies (who are paying off politicians with the money they have been […]


God takes ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’ seriously, punishes hypocrite

Personally, I think the sex life of anyone — including elected officials — is their own damn business, but you can’t help but shake your head at the behavior of people like Governor Mark Sanford and you may even enjoy watching him squirm. After all, he preached morality to others while sinning himself. He publicly […]


Our Health Depends On It

There are too many “facts” being thrown around in the healthcare debate, and not enough information for me to figure out which ones are true. This is made worse by “facts” that I know are false. For example, I keep hearing opponents of health care reform claim that if health insurance was provided by the […]


Do Republicans even know what Socialism is?

A while ago, the Republicans noticed that calling an opponent a “liberal” didn’t quite have the sting it once did, so they decided to simply replace the word “liberal” with the word “socialist”. Seriously. Unfortunately, I don’t think any of them bothered to look up what socialism means. This led to ironic situations where people […]


Won’t get screwed again?

Robert Reich reports that the big pharmaceutical and health insurance companies are gaining ground in their effort to kill the public option in the health care reform bill that is being worked on in Washington. In other words, we’re about to get the same health care reform we got during the Carter administration, when pharma […]
