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Tag Archives: Obama


Jon Stewart makes a very good point about Democrats who thought it was smart to distance themselves from the president. Who in the world would ever think that was a good idea? And why did Obama play along with it? Distancing themselves from Obama seems to have made the Democratic loss far worse. If there […]


Trust, But Verify

The supposed truce between Obama and the GOP continues to go down the drain:


Silver Lining?

According to Nate Silver, the Republicans now have a 73% chance of taking over the Senate (that’s a whopping 46 point lead). So Barack Obama will face a hostile Congress, including a Senate that probably won’t confirm any of his nominees. But in this video, Hillary Clinton (or at least, someone playing her) finds something […]


Abuse of Power

Wow. Just wow. I knew that Republicans were the party of no, but I didn’t realize that they would argue that it would be an abuse of power to just do your frickin’ job. So here is the situation. Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has resigned. Obama will now nominate someone, who has to be […]


Laboring under a Lie

A few weeks ago the Supreme court unanimously ruled that Obama had exceeded his constitutional authority by making “recess appointments” to the National Labor Relations Board. Recess appointments are specifically authorized by the constitution, and Obama used them because Republicans have been failing to approve many of his appointments to critical government jobs. But the […]


Eye of the Beholder

© Brian McFadden I’m having lots of trouble paying any attention to this story. It seems like it is just so much noise. Even worse, it is the same noise we have heard over and over (and over) again. OMG, Obama did something, and the Republicans are attacking him over it. Maybe if everyone ignores […]


Thought Crimes

The Obama administration has issued a new policy directive that prohibits any government official from publicly discussing or even referring to news reports that are based on “unauthorized leaks” like the ones from Edward Snowden. That’s right, they can’t even acknowledge that the leaks exist. There already were laws that prohibited officials from confirming the […]


Tortured Response

Andrew Sullivan has a must read rant on Obama’s foot dragging on the Senate Intelligence Committee report on torture. As some of you know, Sullivan is a conservative, but he is gay and also likes Obama. But he has had enough. Basically, his point is that the well documented use of torture by the US […]


Jon Stewart on the Shutdown

Awesome quote: In response to the new Republican talking point that “the President will negotiate with the Iranians, but not with Republicans”. Jon responds “If it turns out that president Barack Obama can make a deal with the most intransigent, hard-line, unreasonable, totalitarian Mullahs in the world, but not with Republicans, maybe he’s not the […]



© Ruben Bolling My favorite is “Diarrhyan”, but mostly because I had to say it out loud before I got the joke. After that, I got “HemorRoves” much more quickly.


Turn to the Right?

© Tom Toles Did the first presidential debate really change things that dramatically? Or is the media jumping on this in order to keep the horse race close and attract election-weary viewers? Did Joe Biden’s debate performance stop the Democratic freak out? Or at least slow it down?


International Talk Like a Pirate Day

As I’m sure all of my readers are aware, today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. How is this political? Because the Obama campaign just tweeted “Arrr you in?” with this photo:


Not the Change America Voted For

© John McNamee Blame the black guy.


Secretary of Explaining Stuff?

While out campaigning this week, Obama made repeated references to the outstanding speech given by Bill Clinton at the Democratic convention. My favorite thing Obama said about Clinton: Somebody e-mailed me after his speech — they said, you need to appoint him secretary of explaining stuff … That was pretty good. I like that … […]


It Could Have Been Worse!

Larry David argues that even if you aren’t better off than you were four years ago, at least you weren’t hit by an asteroid! It is interesting to see how people react to this video. Is Stewart trying to be balanced? Is he making fun of people’s attitudes toward Obama? Are people afraid of criticism […]
