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Tag Archives: Police

The New Newt?

The most pleasantly surprising response to the recent racial tensions came from Newt Gingrich, while he was participating in a Facebook live chat: It took me a long time, and a number of people talking to me through the years to get a sense of this. If you are a normal, white American, the truth […]


Reaping what we Sow

It is time for people to stop hating and arguing against each other and realize that neither side has exclusive rights to the truth. Being a policeman is a tough job, and a dangerous job. Mistakes will happen. Most police deserve our respect and admiration. But a few police are criminals and should be removed […]


Walking in their shoes

Important story about how a community organizer who has been protesting police killings of unarmed people (especially blacks), participated in a police training exercise to get a better understanding of the situation: We have a bad tendency in this country that when a few people of a specific group do something really bad, that we […]


Lack of Fathers?

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) called into conservative Laura Ingraham’s radio show on Tuesday and discussed the racial unrest in Baltimore, saying: There are so many things we can talk about. … It’s something we talk about not in the immediate aftermath but over time: The breakdown of family structure, the lack of fathers, the lack […]


More Exceptionalism

© Tom Tomorrow So the NYPD doesn’t want to have to be accountable for their actions. Sound familiar? Between this, torture, spying on our own citizens, preemptive wars, and murder by drone, it seems like we are just full of our own exceptionalism.


Strike Three?

© Matt Bors Wouldn’t it be ironic if by staging a “work slowdown” the NYPD actually put things back to the way they were before we over-militarized our police departments? Could this possibly be a good thing? So far, the worst effect of the slowdown seems to be the loss of millions of dollars in […]


Great Quote from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Time Magazine published an excellent article by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar about the kerfuffle going on in New York city over two policemen who were murdered. The NY police are blaming the deaths on the people who are protesting against several high profile cases of police racism. They are also accusing the mayor of NYC and even […]


How to be Safe

© Matt Bors The main thing I don’t understand about the whole mess in Ferguson (despite lots of weird things that happened) is why did the black community decide that this was the straw to break the camel’s back? I think that blacks have plenty to be angry about concerning how they are treated by […]


The Changing Face of Race

© Blue Delliquanti Not to mention that tactics like race-based gerrymandering and voter suppression laws will only work for so long before these these not-really-a-minority-any-more groups figure out that they can wield a tremendous amount of political power. Where will that leave all the Fox News loving racists?


Police v. Bankers

© Jen Sorensen At some point, did we stop being a nation of laws? When will the powerful — bankers, police, politicians, even the president — be held to the same standards as the poor? Is that really too much to ask?



© Shannon Wheeler Maybe we shouldn’t let the police in Ferguson play cops and robbers either.


Three’s a Trend!

Three law enforcement officers (from three different police departments) involved in the Ferguson events have been suspended because of their extremely racist words and actions. How extreme? Here are some examples, courtesy of New York magazine: St. Louis County officer Dan Page appears in a video posted to YouTube of an hour long speech he […]


Front or Back

Victor White was arrested in Louisiana on drug charges. But what happened next is confusing, to say the least. According to the Sheriff’s office, White – even though his hands were handcuffed behind his back – somehow managed to pull out a handgun he had hidden in his pants and then shot himself in the […]


Babysitting While White?

Everyone has heard about the common offense (at least in police eyes) of “Driving While Black” but this is a new twist. A white man who is babysitting his 5-year-old black granddaughter is hassled (more than once) by police. Mind you, we are only seeing one side of this story, but his account certainly has […]
