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Tag Archives: Protests

Robinhood Tax

Adbusters, the group that is largely responsible for the Occupy Wall Street protests, has come out with their own idea for a simple demand: On October 29, on the eve of the G20 Leaders Summit in France, let’s the people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately impose a 1% […]


Reinstate Glass-Steagall

[Written by Fred Wickham] Right wing commentators have been trashing the Wall Street Occupiers. “What is it they stand for?” they’re demanding. And, frankly, it is about time they took one simple stand. My suggestion is that the protestors demand the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall act. That is the piece of legislation from 1933 which […]


The Reverend Al Sharpton

A very enjoyable conversation between Jon Stewart and Al Sharpton about the Wall Street protestors, national discourse, the media, Obama, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, and irony. In two parts:


Republicans may love America, but they hate most Americans

Jon Stewart doesn’t have to tell us about the hypocrisy of Republicans condemning the Wall Street protests, he lets them tell us themselves using their own words:


The 98%

There’s a serious point in here — we need to get off our asses.


Turnabout is Fair Play

© Ed Stein If Wall Street is going to kick people out of their homes and occupy their houses, isn’t it fair that people should be able to occupy Wall Street in retaliation? Stein also provides commentary to his comic: I was working my way across the radio dial on my way home the other […]


Protest, American Style

© Jen Sorensen House Majority Leader Eric Cantor expresses his concern about the Occupy Wall Street “mobs”. Unfortunately, in the wake of Citizen’s United, the free speech of ordinary citizens (even expressed as protests) is dwarfed by the “free speech” of unlimited corporate cash. Not only that, but since it is corporate cash (in the […]


Media Filter

© Tom Tomorrow The media seems to be slowly waking up to the fact that they can’t just ignore the Wall Street Protestors. So they are making fun of them or insulting them instead. Ironically, many of the criticisms of the protests are the same ones that were leveled against the Tea Party movement, but […]


Explaining What Should Be Obvious

Why do the Wall Street protestors need a spokesperson? It seems pretty obvious why they are protesting. The other panel members were Republicans. For most of the show, Alan just sat quietly, which really surprised and disappointed me. Then suddenly, he let them have it. It was great. I just wish that the camera had […]


Want to know what the Wall Street Protestors are upset about?

© Steve Sack Every time someone complains about the protestors blocking traffic or causing some other inconvenience, I just have to laugh. Like the bankers who destroyed the economy didn’t cause any inconveniences at all.


Someone at the New York Times finally gets it?

After completely ignoring the “Occupy Wall Street” protests, finally someone at the New York Times seems to get it (albeit in an opinion piece, not in the regular news): Indeed, the twin drivers of America’s nascent protest movement against the financial sector are injustice and invisibility, the very grievances that drove the Arab Spring. In […]


Investment Opportunity

© Ed Stein With all the attacks on entitlements, we should also go after how Wall Street feels they are entitled to massive bailouts along with obscene profits and bonuses.


The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Jon Stewart on the mainstream media reaction to the Occupy Wall Street protests:


“Yes We Can”, Not “Yes He Can”

I couldn’t agree with Van Jones more. The problem is not our theory of the president, the problem is our theory of the presidency. The question is not what Obama is going to do about our country, but what WE are going to do about our country. [thanks to Crooks and Liars]


Media Bias

© Keith Tucker The protests are spreading. You can see if there is one near you at this site. UPDATE: Photos from Occupy Wall Street.
