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Tag Archives: Religion

Christian Values

There’s a funny article in the Daily Kos entitled “You Cannot Be a Republican and a Christian“. Here’s one particularly funny paragraph to entice you to go read the whole thing: I know that many of Christ’s teachings are open to interpretation, but so many of the people who make a point of asking “What […]



I will never recognize it in my heart because God gave marriage between a man and a woman and that’s what marriage is. And I don’t think the court – since it never defined marriage – doesn’t have the right to redefine it. God gave us marriage. Period. And God doesn’t change his mind. I’m […]


Parting Irony

The founder of the hateful anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps, died last year. One of his 13 children, Nate Phelps (who became an outspoken critic of the church after he left it in 1980) posted this message to Twitter after the Supreme Court decision legalizing same sex marriage: Nate also offered to officiate at […]


Playing the Gay Card

Three time former GOP presidential candidate Alan Keyes is delusional. On TV a few days ago, Keyes said that he does not believe the shooting in a black church by a white supremacist was racially motivated. Seriously. Despite the statements of witnesses or the fact that the shooter himself published a racist manifesto online. Keyes […]


Catholic in Name Only

Republicans successfully purged moderates from their party by saying that they were RINO — Republicans in Name Only. But now we are seeing something truly amazing — conservatives who profess to be Catholics attacking Pope Francis and calling him names, because he issued a papal encyclical on climate change that calls on us to reject […]


Leaving Science to the Scientists

One advantage that people of faith enjoy is that they are not limited to being consistent. A good example is presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Santorum has long been a proponent of “intelligent design”, which is a fancy term for requiring public schools to “teach about the role of God or a Creator” as part of […]



Just where in the Bible does it tell you to hate people? This message brought to you by Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian!



© Ruben Bolling That’s the ironic thing about the Bible. It can be used to justify almost anything. Isn’t that why the founders were careful to separate church from state? Not that I’m anti-religion. I just want to be able to cherry pick the parts I believe in like everyone else. What parts do I […]


Stuck in the Middle with You

It is almost enough to make you feel sorry for Jeb Bush. The headline in the New York Times reads “Jeb Bush Seems to Shift Tone in His Praise of Indiana Law“. Yes, presidential candidate Jeb Bush is now backing away from his formerly full-throated support for the Indiana “religious freedom” law that is causing […]


First Church of Cannabis

At first I thought this was an April fools joke, but the original article was published in the Washington Post on March 30, so I assume it is legit. In the wake of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration act, which prevents the state from “substantially burdening” a person’s exercise of religion (even if it violates the […]


Discriminating Discrimination

This is a new one. Republicans have introduced a bill that prevents states from discriminating against religious organizations that discriminate. So if a faith-based organization discriminates against someone (because of their religious beliefs), then the state can’t discriminate against that organization by reducing funding to them. It was bad enough when the “religious beliefs” of […]


What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Goat!

How ironic is it to have Satanists play Devil’s advocate? A few months ago, the Supreme Court allowed Hobby Lobby to be exempt from the law of the land because of their “sincerely held religious beliefs”. It is not clear to me how a corporation can have any beliefs at all (let alone sincerely held […]


United States of Jeesus

The small town of Kennesaw, Georgia voted last week to ban an Islamic group from opening a temporary mosque, even though the landlord of the space they wanted to rent agreed to the deal and the city planning commission and other city staff recommended approval. Many local residents openly voiced concerns about Sharia law and […]


Dear Evangelicals: You’re Being Had

An interesting article in The Daily Beast points out what should be obvious to everyone by now — the GOP may pay lip service to social conservatives, but they haven’t actually done much of anything for them. The interesting part is why — you can’t solve a cultural problem with a political solution. Or stated […]


Cleanliness is next to Godliness

I love what Pope Francis and others are doing. A chance meeting between a Catholic bishop and a homeless person in Rome resulted in the bishop inviting the street person to dinner. But he demurred, saying that he was too smelly to eat with a bishop. The bishop prevailed, and at the dinner the homeless […]
