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Monthly Archives: November 2009

GOP Fantasyland

According to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, a majority (52%) of Republicans believe that Obama did not actually win the 2008 election, because ACORN stole the election for him. Only 27% of Republicans believe that Obama won the election legitimately. This, despite the fact that Obama won the election by 9.5 million votes. […]


Late Night Political Humor

“According to excerpts from Sarah Palin’s memoir, ‘Going Rogue,’ the former vice presidential nominee says her infamous Katie Couric interview went so poorly because Couric was badgering, had a partisan agenda, and asked questions.” – Seth Meyers “Sarah Palin is gonna be on Oprah Winfrey’s show on Monday. Well, not to be outdone, John McCain […]


Intel Outside

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews protested outside Intel’s new chip plant in Jerusalem, saying that the plant was desecrating the Sabbath by performing work on Saturday. The Jewish Sabbath runs from Friday night until Saturday night. © Kichka


Why Jon Stewart Doesn’t Like Sarah Palin


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s approval rating down to 46 percent. That means 54 percent of the people do not approve of the job he’s doing, which I think is totally unfair. We should at least wait until he actually does something.” – Jay Leno “President Obama is traveling to Asia this week. He’ll be making a trip […]


Ironically, the Senate Health Care Bill doesn’t totally suck

Harry Reid has released the Senate health care reform bill, and it is scheduled for a cloture vote on Saturday. The vote to cut off a potential filibuster is the critical one, requiring sixty votes to pass. At this point, both the Senate and House bills include a form of public option, but there is […]


Billionaires for Wealthcare Strike Again

The Billionaires for Wealthcare infiltrated an American Health Insurance Plans’ annual conference in Washington DC, and during a keynote talk from an industry pollster performed a full blown musical number, thanking the industry for killing the public option and protecting their profits. All set to the tune of “Tomorrow, Tomorrow” from Annie: Says the group […]


Industry, heal thyself!

This is what happens when large corporations try to regulate themselves. The “Smart Choices” program, which was supposed to label healthy, nutritional food with a large green checkmark, is being shut down. The logo began appearing on food this summer, after two years of development by many of the country’s largest food manufacturers. But doubts […]


Giving the Terrorists What They Want

© Jim Morin


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s been reported that outspoken anti-immigration anchor Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN. Yeah. True story, yeah. He’ll be replaced by a guy named Juan, who will do the same job for $5 an hour.” – Conan O’Brien “Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who was forced to resign because he used prostitutes, will deliver a […]


The Rule of Law in the US

Jon Stewart and Samantha Bee discuss the upcoming trial of 9/11 terrorists in NYC: Great quote: “Geraldo Rivera is now the voice of reason”.


Squashed Like a Bug

Two great quotes from Electoral-Vote: A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows how polarizing Palin is. Among Republicans, 76% have a favorable view of her but among all Americans, 60% say she is not qualified to be President. The bottom line on numbers like these is that she could conceivably win the Republican nomination, only […]


Who wants government making health care decisions?

© Joel Pett


The reason they call it a ‘Chinese Finger Trap’

© Tom Toles


Obama’s Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family Dinner

From the Onion News Network.
