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Monthly Archives: May 2010

Modern American Discourse, Part 2

A reader pointed me to this comic from ten years ago, which makes make a similar point to the cartoon I posted yesterday: © Scott Pilgrim


Another Hole to Plug

© Brian Fairrington During Obama’s press conference on the Gulf oil catastrophe, he remarked that his daughter Malia had asked him “Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy?” But apparently that remark unleashed another gusher. Glenn Beck went on the attack, making fun of her for the remark, questioning her education, and even bringing race […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Earlier today, British Petroleum began this operation known as ‘top kill,’ which comes on the heels of their previous operations, ‘fish kill’ and ‘bird kill.’” – Jay Leno “And now, here’s something that’s going to get a lot of people upset. It turns out according to a report by the Interior Department Inspector General, employees […]


Modern American Discourse

This would have been more apropos during the health care debate, but it actually applies to almost every modern issue, including the environment (global warming, pollution, energy), gay rights, and immigration. © Barry Deutsch


Late Night Political Humor

“Hey, today is National Tap Dancing Day. Yes, this is the day we honor BP executives trying to explain the gulf oil disaster.” – Jay Leno “BP wants Twitter to shut down a fake BP account that is mocking the oil company. In response, Twitter wants BP to shut down the oil leak that’s ruining […]


Will BP Charge Wildlife for All That Free Oil?

© Ruben Bolling


Late Night Political Humor

“Well, folks, it seems that oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, much worse than British Petroleum first reported. You know how bad it is? Yesterday, I checked the oil in my car, had seawater on it.” – Jay Leno “This is the end of the big TV viewing season. For example, ‘Lost,’ that’s gone. […]


If you don’t learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it

Do you get a feeling of deja vu about the gulf oil spill? There’s a good reason.


Everything but the Sinking Feeling

© R J Matson


Late Night Political Humor

“Good news in the oil situation. BP said they found a way to start breaking up their oil slick. The bad news is it involves a toxic chemical called Corexit 9527A. Apparently this is moving us further from a solution and closer to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” – Bill Maher “BP is saying that the […]



© Matt Bors


Crowd-sourcing Stupidity

I guess being the Party of No was getting old, so the Republicans decided to crowd-source some new ideas. They created a new website that invites you (the American people) to contribute ideas that they can implement. There are just a few problems: While they may be happy to promote this site in a partisan […]


Get the F*cking Booming Right, F*cking BP!

If you are offended by profanity, don’t watch this video. Otherwise, it should be required viewing: Meanwhile, testimony of the oil rig workers indicates that BP made a “fundamental mistake” that led to the explosion and blowout. But there is going to be plenty of blame to go around.


Good thing this comic doesn’t exist, since it predicts what nobody could have predicted

© Tom Tomorrow BP claiming that nobody could have predicted the gulf oil disaster. Rush Limbaugh arguing that the gulf oil disaster was a deliberate act by “hardcore environmental wackos”.


Late Night Political Humor

“A family values conservative Republican from Indiana, Mark Souder, has admitted to having an affair with a woman on his staff. Apparently Souder would take this woman to remote locations inside state parks and have sex with her. See, this is what Republicans mean when they talk about opening up our public lands for drilling.” […]
