Wednesday, September 12, 2018
There is some great video of Trump in this. Watch while Trump — at a fundraiser in Fargo ND — waves some papers in the air. He brags “It’s four pages of things that the Trump administration has accomplished in a short period of time.” He obviously hasn’t even read them because he later changes […]
[This was posted to Facebook yesterday by Barack Obama.] Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today. I recognize that repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has […]
© Matt Bors Given that Trump has offered no evidence or explanation for his accusation that Obama wiretapped him, this is as good an explanation as any! My only question is, how did Obama fake Osama Bin Laden’s death?
Malia Obama recently spent 82 days on an arduous trek in Bolivia and Peru. Even the guides didn’t know who she was. Malia received no special treatment, and “performed chores, including cooking, along with her fellow travelers”. The purpose of the trip was to “examine current political trends, social movements and environmental conservation efforts in […]
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Thursday, December 29, 2016
Early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump tweeted this: But the same day, just a few hours later, Trump told reporters that he thought the transition was going “very, very smoothly. Very good.” My only question is, which Trump is Dr. Jekyll, and which one is Mr. Hyde?
Thursday, October 20, 2016
This is a speech that Barack Obama recently gave at a Democratic dinner in Ohio. I set it up to start at 16:55, which is when it gets really good. It reminds me of why I like Obama so much. And he even gets a bit angry a few times and gets into it.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016
No, I’m not worried about the “controversy” whether Barack Obama was born in the US. That’s an established fact. I’m worried about whether everything that Trump has said about Obama and where he was born was a blatant lie. I’m also worried whether Trump will ever make good on the $5 million he now owes […]
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
In general the economy has been growing since Obama took office, but Republican tax cuts and other regressive measures meant that virtually all of that gain has been going exclusively to the wealthiest people. Even though the average household income was going up, the vast majority of American households were not benefiting. A more significant […]
Donald Trump seems have lost it, and is being reduced to lunatic raving in order to get attention. On Thursday, he just kept repeating his accusations that Barack Obama is the founder of the Islamic State (despite the fact that the IS was founded in 1999, ten years before Obama became president, and even before […]
Stephen Colbert deciphers Trump’s statements about Obama: UPDATE: Seth Meyers also takes an eloquent shot at Trump: This segment points out Trump’s hypocrisy and lies. Like when Trump said “I’m far better for the gay community than [Hillary Clinton] is.” Meyers followed this with videos of one of the many times that Trump said that […]
Jimmy Fallon dons his Trump persona and calls Obama to gloat.
I wish more presidential experts were like Macey Hensley. She is far more mature than her supposedly older counterparts. I believe all presidents deserve respect, even ones you don’t like. And I say this as someone who moved to another country when George W Bush got reelected. But I still respected the office, and respected […]
Obama’s final appearance at the White House correspondents dinner is hilarious:
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President Obama appeared on Fox News Sunday and was interviewed by Chris Wallace. Wallace asked Obama why he thought voters were expressing such anger and frustration this election. Obama responded by calling out how both sides are in their own bubble where they just hear things that reinforce their own opinions and fears, saying “I […]
© Mike Luckovich And it sure seems to be working. In early March, Obama’s job approval rating went positive for the first time in almost three years. And his approval ratings are going up both with Democrats and Republicans. Right now, compared with other recent two-term presidents at this point in their terms, Obama is […]
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