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Monthly Archives: July 2009

At Least the Alien is Healthy

© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“To ease tensions, President Obama has invited Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates and the police officer who arrested him to join him for a beer at the White House. And if that works out, Obama’s going to have Ahmadinejad and Netanyahu over for Jaegerbombs.” – Conan O’Brien “Have you guys heard about this? Henry Louis […]


Treasure Secretary Says the Housing Crisis is Over, but can’t Sell his Own Home

John Oliver of The Daily Show on Timothy Geithner:


When flintlock rifles are illegal, only criminals will have flintlock rifles

I know I might piss off some of my more liberal readers on this story, but as I’ve said before, I think the constitution is pretty clear about the right to own guns. Even so, this story is just nuts. Michael Littlejohn, a resident of Brooklyn NY, purchased a replica of a Revolutionary War flintlock […]


Banana-Eating Jungle Monkey?

The Skip Gates arrest story has an interesting new twist. Apparently, a Boston policeman and member of the Massachusetts National Guard was upset enough about the whole situation that he wrote an email to the editor of the Boston Globe. This is what he had to say about Professor Gates: If I was the officer […]


What’s the Rush?

© Matt Davies © Mike Luckovich


Late Night Political Humor

“The President of the United States spent the week talking about America’s most vulnerable citizens, the Cambridge police department. Now, if you somehow missed the beginning of this story, let me catch you up. Perhaps the foremost African-American scholar in America today, Henry Louis Gates, was arrested for being black while home. Yes, apparently, in […]



© Terrence Nowicki, Jr.


Birth Defect

Ann Coulter calls the “birthers” (people who think Obama is not a natural born citizen) a bunch of “cranks” on Fox News: Of course, the birthers immediately turn on Coulter: Coulter has gone over to the dark side. Her dark roots are showing. Anne, you are losing it girl. In fact, I think you have […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Did you watch President Obama’s press conference last night? Well, boring. Let me tell you. I know he’s our president so I shouldn’t say this, but if he loves this healthcare proposal so much, why doesn’t he marry it?” – Jimmy Kimmel “Anybody see President Obama’s press conference last night on television about the health […]


Bill O’Reilly is a Complete Idiot

Is he really this stupid? Really? Just in case you need more proof.


Shatner redubs Palin as Beat Poetry

This gives new meaning to “Where no man has gone before”: UPDATE: Shatner comes back, this time to recite some of Palin’s tweets:


Late Night Political Humor

“Oh my God, Barack Obama’s running the old Kenyan Prince birth announcement scam. Here’s how it goes: you want to destroy America from the inside but you can’t because you’re a foreigner. So first, you gotta find yourself a good ol’ American to reproduce for you. Then, you have that child on foreign soil, while […]


Bush Nostalgia?

The morning after Obama’s press conference on health care reform, the NBC political team asked: Honest question: Is there a point when the president knows too much about an issue? Sigh — stupid is as stupid does.


Profiles in Profiling

© Ken Catalino A funny twist to the ongoing discussion about the arrest of Skip Gates.
