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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Happy New Year!

© Joel Pett Thanks to all my readers who made running this blog worth it! I hope 2012 is a great year.


Change of Clothes

© Matt Wuerker Why is it that political setbacks get the Republican base even more fired up, while similar setbacks make Democrats get disillusioned and lose interest?


Ron Paul President?

A reader has asked an interesting question — what would be the result if libertarian Ron Paul were elected President. This is not a hypothetical question — some poll show him leading in Iowa. Whether you’re a fan of Paul or not, if you can imagine a scenario that is likely to happen if we […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The independent Super PAC supporting Mitt Romney announced it would suspend anti- Newt Gingrich ads during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They said they’re doing it out of respect to Gingrich, his family, and his mistresses.” – Jay Leno “The pro-adultery website – have you heard of this? It’s a website for married people […]



© Jim Morin I’ve long suspected that Jon Huntsman knows both that he cannot win the nomination in the current Republican party, or even if he did, that he probably could not win against Obama. Instead, he is positioning himself for a presidential run in 2016, when Obama won’t be an issue and by then […]


Just Wait, We Will Find One For You!

© Lee Judge As Obama used to say, Iraq was a “stupid” war. After spending three trillion dollars, with thousands of American soldiers dead (more than the number of people who died in the 9/11 attacks), and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians dead, just what did we accomplish? Well, we removed strongman Saddam Hussain […]


Arlen Specter, Comedian

Arlen Specter, former Republican-turned-Democratic Senator from Pennsylvania, performs a respectable stand-up comedy routine:


Democracy, Meritocracy, and Aristocracy

© Jen Sorensen Mitt Romney keeps trying to paint Obama as a Soviet-style socialist, which is clearly false. Earlier this month, he declared: [Obama] seeks to replace our merit-based society with an entitlement society. In an entitlement society, everyone receives the same or similar rewards, regardless of education, effort and willingness to take risk. That […]


Living Large Off the Taxpayers

It always seems like the people who complain the most about other people sucking money from taxpayers are the people who actually do it the most (this may be a corollary to the premise that those people who bash gays the most are themselves afraid to come out of the closet). The latest example is […]


HO HO HO! – Throw the Bums Out

Santa Election 2012 from Dave Koechner


America the Abusive Spouse

© Ted Rall I’m appreciative of Obama finally getting us the hell out of Iraq, a place — as Obama repeatedly said — we should never have invaded in the first place.


Late Night Political Humor

“North Korea may not have enough money to preserve the body of Kim Jong Il. Unfortunately, this leaves North Koreans with only one alternative: Kim Jong jerky. … You heard of Slim Jims? How about Slim Kims?” – Conan O’Brien “The family is saying now that in lieu of flowers for Kim Jong Il, they […]


The Year In Crazy, Part 2

© Tom Tomorrow I for one am very glad this last year is (almost) over. I with with all my heart that 2012 is a better year for everyone. Here is Part 1, if you missed it.


Bah, Humbug

I personally have nothing against Christmas, but I love a good rant. And when Christopher Hitchens passed away recently, the world lost a ranter par excellence. I’m going to miss him. So here is a reprint of a famous Hitchens anti-Christmas rant, first published in Salon in 2005. Bah, Humbug The horrors of December in […]


Relentless Focus on Creating Jobs

After the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans declared that their top priority was creating jobs. Mike Stanfill started keeping a list of all Republican Congressional activity, to see if the Republicans were telling the truth. As Stanfill notes, the fact that his list “has reached its currently imposing length without one anecdotal citation of new […]
