As if to prove this bumper sticker correct, on Saturday Michelle Bachmann gave a speech in New Hampshire (a state that traditionally has the first presidential primary) and said “You’re the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord.” Oops. I’m just glad that nobody asked Bachmann, who is head […]
© Ted Rall We’ve done a spectacularly bad job of “helping” countries like Iraq and Afghanistan transition to democracy. I for one am glad that we are staying fairly hands off with countries like Egypt and Libya. But it is ironic that the same conservatives who used to denounce “nation building” are now attacking Obama […]
I’ve been trying very hard not to pay attention to Sarah Palin, and for the most part I’ve been good, only mentioning her briefly once or twice in the last few months. But Jimmy Kimmell is just too funny: It’s a regular epidumbic! I’ll have to remember that.
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© Pete Pasho This comes from a non-US cartoonist, of course. There are so many jokes hidden inside of this simple cartoon.
From the National Review Online: An Idea for the RNC: Dump Steele, Hire Palin [Kevin D. Williamson] Re: Steele and the RNC: Allow me to chime in with my usual observation on this subject: This is a job for Sarah Palin. Palin would be a much better RNC chairman than presidential candidate or freelance kingmaker. […]
All Palin, all the time. Tina Fey does it again: UPDATE: What’s stranger than a parody of Sarah Palin? Palin herself.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Less than two weeks ago, Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker at the “national tea party conference”, a conference that seemed primarily designed to make money for its organizer. But that didn’t stop her from saying things like “America is ready for another revolution and you are a part of this.” She also praised the […]
Thursday, February 4, 2010
About once a month, Sarah Palin seems to say something monumentally stupid, or which directly contradicts something she said just a few months ago. This time around, she is calling on Rahm Emanuel to resign because he used some politically incorrect language, when just a few months ago she was calling for less political correctness. […]
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Thursday, December 17, 2009
It may surprise you that Sarah Palin was once a believer in global warming. After all, in an editorial in the Washington Post last week, she called for Obama to boycott the Copenhagen conference because of ClimateGate, and claimed that global warming is “natural” rather than caused by human activities. But when she was governor […]
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Yesterday, Sarah Palin was scheduled to give do a book signing at a Costco store in Salt Lake City. So in preparation, the store … removed all the tomatoes from their shelves. It turns out that at the Mall of America a week ago, a man was arrested for attempting to pelt Palin with a […]
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
William Shatner does an interpretive reading from Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue, and Palin gets revenge by reading from Shatner’s autobiography Up Till Now. Beam me up, Scotty:
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sarah Palin gave a speech at the Gridiron Club for its 2009 Winter Dinner. She’s actually quite funny, and gets in a couple of jabs at herself: Good evening. It’s great to be in Washington and I am loving the weather. I braved the elements and went out for a jog! Or, as Newsweek calls […]
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