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Monthly Archives: July 2014

The Angry Echo Chamber

Stephen Colbert is brilliant, just brilliant: Yes, that’s twice this week I’ve done postings about Sarah Palin. But I have an explanation: with all the mess and bad news both internationally and domestically, we need some comic relief.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama was giving an interview recently, and get this, he said he thought that Joe Biden would be a good president. When asked why, he was like, ‘Because he’d make me look AMAZING.’” – Jimmy Fallon “In a recent interview, President Obama said Joe Biden ‘would be a superb president.’ In a related story, […]


What’s Wrong with American Business

You can’t get a much better example of why American business sucks. Forbes magazine just published an article “5 Reasons Why You Should Admire Comcast“. If I didn’t know better, I would think it was satire, but it isn’t. First, the article is so full of misinformation it isn’t even funny. Like one of their […]


I wish the mainstream media was this aware

© Tom Tomorrow I look forward to seeing panel four more often, on the real news.


Late Night Political Humor

“Before the incursion that started yesterday the Israelis agreed to a five hour cease fire so the Palestinians could get supplies and food – how Jewish is that? ‘We’re going to attack you, but first you should eat.’” – Bill Maher “Marvel Comics announced that the next Captain America will be black. He has the […]


Hillary Clinton

I was recently invited to attend a private event, a live interview with Hillary Clinton followed by her answering questions from the audience. I had to think about it. I was never a huge fan of Bill Clinton’s presidency, and Hillary was a full partner in that. I was also dismayed by some of her […]


Late Night Political Humor

“This week, our pal Rob Ford faced off against his four challengers in a debate for Toronto mayor. His opponents were, of course, pretty critical of his performance, but Ford said, ‘Hey, my record slurs for itself.’” – Jimmy Fallon “People love the new Pope, but I think it’s safe to say he’s gone crazy. […]



© Amber Butler Someone I don’t know sent me this comic that she had drawn. It is not only quite good, but came at a time when I’ve been having conversations with various people about what is going on in the Middle East (mostly Gaza, Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Iran). About the only thing we […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama called German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday to talk about improving relations with our country after this latest spying scandal. Obama made her a pretty good offer. He said, ‘Look, we’ll stop spying if we can borrow your soccer team.’” – Jimmy Fallon “This week Dick Cheney called President Obama ‘the worst president of […]


Toboggan Ride Into Hell

Darn it! I have been SOOO good about not posting articles about Sarah Palin for a long time. At this point I believe it is much better to just ignore her, because she isn’t any kind of elected official anymore and seems to just say bat-shit crazy things to get attention. But this was just […]


Hi-Speed Doublespeak

More than 20 states have telecom-sponsored laws on the books that prohibit local communities from building their own municipal high-speed internet networks. This despite the fact that these networks are wildly popular in communities that have them. In addition, communities that have installed their own high-speed internet networks have seen better than average population growth […]


Rewriting History

I guess no lie is too big if it compares Saint Ronnie Reagan favorably to Obama. And once again Jon Stewart proves that he is a better source of news than the worthless majority of our news media.


Late Night Political Humor

“To avoid being spied on by the NSA, Germany is considering using typewriters now to communicate so we can’t spy on them. Germany says they may even go further back and start using AOL accounts.” – Conan O’Brien “Congratulations to Germany! They have now won four World Cup soccer championships. But – they are still […]


Gimme that New Time Religion!

© Ruben Bolling You have to have faith in the holy trinity of CEO, board of directors, and shareholders. Our CEO who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy customers come, thy will be done, in the sales room, as it is in the board room. Give us this day our daily tax break, […]


Legalize Vice!

Once upon a time we tried to make drinking alcohol illegal. We all know how that turned out. And finally (after WAY too long) states are starting to make recreational use of marijuana legal, with promising results. Likewise, we finally eliminated laws against gay sex, and the world didn’t end. In fact, we took the […]
