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Monthly Archives: December 2015

A Happy New Year from Obama

Obama believes that not only was 2015 a good year, but 2016 will be even better: And it looks like Obama has reason to be happy. According to Real Clear Politics, Obama has broken the “second term curse”. What’s the “second term curse”? When a president is reelected, they often have problems midway through their […]


The Year in Review – Part 2

© Tom Tomorrow Can we take any more of this presidential race? Can we survive another eleven months? Is there anything that can happen that hasn’t already happened?


Will Trump Destroy the GOP?

Eugene Robinson has an interesting opinion piece in WaPo titled “How Donald Trump destroyed the Republican Party in 2015”, as if it is a fait accompli. He does soften that, saying “An entity called the GOP will survive — but can never be the same.” His point is that Trump has exploited the resentments and […]


A Holiday Wish

© Stuart Carlson Aren’t we the land of the free and the home of the brave?


Third Time’s a Charm?

Republicans keep trying to create a conservative utopia, with predictable results. First there was Kansas, where Sam Brownback showed us how to cut taxes and destroy the social safety net, and when that failed, they doubled down with even more tax cuts (for the rich) and spending cuts, with disastrous results. But did they learn? […]


They’re Everywhere!

© Jen Sorensen Considering that our country is a total melting pot of different cultures, races, and ethnicities, it is amazing that we have a long history of freaking out about different groups over our entire history. Including the Irish, Chinese railroad workers, Catholics, the Japanese during WWII, and on and on.


All Hail, the King of Whoppers, for the first time ever, has named a “King of Whoppers“. As they put it, “In the 12 years of’s existence, we’ve never seen his match.” And that’s saying alot, as this has been a “banner year for political whoppers.” You can probably guess the Master of Mendacity, it’s Donald Trump. Not only […]


Late Night Political Humor

“In a recent interview, Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka said that there are times when she disagrees with her father. But then there are MORE times when she likes the idea of inheriting a billion dollars. Double-edged sword.” – Jimmy Fallon “Donald Trump is still under fire for mocking a reporter with physical disabilities. Trump told […]


How Terrorists Are Born

At least his skin is the right color. UPDATE: A reader sends links to conservative writers who actually believe this, and make the case that it is the Empire, not the rebels, that is the force for good in the Star Wars universe.


Poor Climate

Senator Lindsey Graham dropped out of the presidential race. Why is this significant? Because he was the last remaining major Republican candidate who publicly accepted the scientific consensus of climate science. You know, that the climate is warming and we are the cause of it. Now there are none. At the presidential debate in October, […]


The Year in Review – Part 1

This is one of my favorite things from Tom Tomorrow each year. © Tom Tomorrow


Carly Fiorina is a Liar!

Salon has a great article titled “Carly Fiorina is a liar: And everyone should finally just say it — loudly“. So I am obliging them with my headline. She famously claimed to have seen a horrific video about Planned Parenthood. But when confronted by the fact that said video simply does not exist, she doubled […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump claimed to have ‘many Muslim friends’. However, when asked for specific names, the only one he could come up with was ‘The Genie from ‘Aladdin’.” – Conan O’Brien “Donald Trump’s popular ‘Make America Great Again’ hats are actually made at a California factory that employs Mexican immigrants. Even more embarrassing for Trump, his […]


The Lighter Side of Unbridled Greed

© Benjamin Schwartz Andy Borowitz also has some satire that is worth reading, about Shkreli’s lawyer raising his rates 5000% after his client was arrested. If you have seen something funny about Shkreli, please post a link to it in the comments.


Everybody Has an Opinion!

In a recent poll, people were asked if they support bombing the kingdom of Agrabah. There is just one problem. Agrabah is fictional. It is from the Disney movie Aladdin. Nevertheless, 30% of Republicans are in favor of bombing it. To be fair, 19% of Democrats also support bombing it. 19% of Republicans and 36% […]
