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Monthly Archives: December 2015

Republicans for Bigger Government

The good news is Congress passed the $1.15 trillion spending bill that will keep the government from shutting down next week. How they did it is the bad news. First of all, it includes $620 billion in tax breaks, which will make our deficit worse. The really bad news is that new Speaker of the […]


Late Night Political Humor

“In a recent interview, Ben Carson said that Thomas Jefferson wrote the U.S. Constitution, when he actually wrote the Declaration of Independence. Or as Carson’s campaign staff put it, ‘Close enough!” – Jimmy Fallon “Donald Trump was recently being interviewed, and said that he’s not a fan of the man bun trend, and wouldn’t want […]


Supreme Injustice in Wisconsin

More bad news from Conservative Utopia. And in an ironic way it is too bad that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker quit his run for the presidency, or else this story would be getting more attention. Part of why Walker never got any traction in his presidential bid is that his state’s economy has gone into […]


Karma is a Wonderful Thing

Price of life-saving drug Daraprim before Martin Shkreli’s company bought the rights to it: $18. Price to which he raised it: $750 per pill. Image of Shkreli being led off in handcuffs after being arrested for securities and wire fraud: Priceless.


Alternate Republican Realities

© Tom Tomorrow Transgendered liberal activist? Video of a living fetus being debrained? Pyramids are really grain silos? Unfortunately, I think Republicans have gone way beyond quantum mechanics and into quantum fantasy, where Republicans can believe multiple contradictory things at the same time, and people are losers just because someone said they are.


Liberal or Conservative?

Here’s an interesting website. You type in the name of a town (any town in the US, like your hometown) and they will tell you (based on political donations made by people who live there), how liberal or conservative it is. The scale goes from +10L for liberal, to zero, to +10C for conservative. Can […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The group Anonymous, an international network of computer hackers who attack websites and steal personal information in the name of justice, announced last week that they are going to war with ISIS. As if ISIS didn’t already have its hands full, now they have to change all their passwords!” – James Corden “So far, Anonymous […]



German Chancellor Angela Merkel was just named Person of the Year by both Time magazine and the Financial Times newspaper. The refugee policy she put in place has received praise from all over the world. So it surprised me when Merkel gave a speech on Monday calling multiculturalism a sham and a failure. I live […]


Sinking Feelings?

On Saturday night in Paris, the nations of the world, rich and poor alike, signed a historic agreement to fight climate change. It may not be perfect, but it is better than almost anyone expected. Many parts of it are legally binding. What a change from the Copenhagen talks in 2009, which collapsed in chaos.


Late Night Political Humor

“And over on the Republican side, Jeb Bush recently hired a speech coach to help him speak more forcefully and emotionally. You can tell – before, he was like, ‘I don’t really want to run for president,’ but NOW, he’s like ‘I SAID I DON’T WANT TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT!! I’M SICK OF IT! I’M […]



© Nick Anderson The artist known as Banksy just unveiled a painting in the refugee camp in Calais, France, depicting Steve Jobs as a Syrian refugee. The elusive artist released a rare statement to go along with the mural: We’re often led to believe migration is a drain on the country’s resources but Steve Jobs […]


Guns and Roses

Conservatives say that because owning a gun is a protected right we should not restrict their sale in any way, no matter how much that restriction makes sense. Keep loopholes in background tests so that terrorists and the criminally insane can easily buy guns? Of course! On the other hand, even though the Supreme Court […]


Reagan and Bush Sr on Climate

Republicans like to think of themselves as the party of Reagan, but it is interesting to consider how if Reagan were a politician today he would almost certainly be branded a RINO, and voted out by the Tea Party know nothings. After all, Reagan passed strong gun control legislation, raised taxes, and gave amnesty to […]


Late Night Political Humor

“A protester had to be escorted out of a Donald Trump rally last night for yelling, ‘Trump’s a racist’. The protester was removed because the Trump campaign has that phrase copyrighted.” – Seth Meyers “A new poll released today shows Donald Trump is leading the Republican field with 24 percent. How far are we going […]


Staying Alive!

Yet another benefit from Obamacare. One of the lesser known features of the ACA was new guidelines and rules to try to reduce “hospital acquired conditions” – things like patients receiving the wrong medication, or improper sterilization leading to infections. The new law has helped. According to a new report from the Agency for Healthcare […]
