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Monthly Archives: January 2020

Buying Votes

Why does nothing shock or surprise me anymore? I mean, this is something I would expect in some corrupt third-world country run by a warlord, but here we are: Allies of Donald Trump have begun holding events in black communities where organizers lavish praise on the president as they hand out tens of thousands of […]


Stop the Truth!

[A brilliantly sarcastic column by Rex Huppke in the Chicago Trubune.] Republican senators must acquit Trump in impeachment trial before any more truth leaks out As a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, I demand that Republican senators in charge of the upcoming impeachment trial swiftly acquit the commander in chief before any more truth […]


The Cost of Our Health

A study published this week provides hard facts about the truly bad deal the US is getting for health care. Simply put, the US for-profit health system costs four times as much than Canada’s single-payer system. Even though the two systems provide roughly equivalent results. Why? Because of a veritable army of administrative workers who […]


The State of Trumpworld

From Twitter: A protestor confronts Senator Lindsey Graham and asks him “How will your children survive extinction with Donald Trump in office?” Graham replies, “That’s easy, I don’t have any.” Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster, is chatting with Donald Trump at the White House Christmas party. Luntz asks Trump what his middle initial “J” stands for. Trump […]
