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Tag Archives: Climate

Mother of all Storms!

© Ruben Bolling Batten down the hatches! Run for cover! The denialists won’t be denied! Raining and flooding will just cause them to flood the airwaves. Not to mention sticking their heads in the ground, which will probably be full of water. Will they drown in their own pronouncements? Or will they weather the storm?


Fake Weather?

There is an interesting article in the Chicago Tribune about the right-wing media. You know how the right (including Donald Trump) have been claiming that climate change is “fake news”. Now that the US is being battered by severe storms, fed by increased ocean temperatures, they might have some ‘splaining” to do, but they are […]


Cheaper to Do Something

Here’s something interesting from a source I would not have expected. A new comprehensive report from Citibank (the third largest bank in the US) found that taking climate change seriously and doing something now to lower carbon pollution will save the world $1.8 trillion through the year 2040. Not acting, on the other hand, will […]


Catholic in Name Only

Republicans successfully purged moderates from their party by saying that they were RINO — Republicans in Name Only. But now we are seeing something truly amazing — conservatives who profess to be Catholics attacking Pope Francis and calling him names, because he issued a papal encyclical on climate change that calls on us to reject […]


The Week in Review

© Tom Tomorrow Who could have predicted that the week when I went out of town could have produced so much irony in my absence! My only question is, should I go on vacation more often?


Looks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck?

© Rosemary Mosco I think this comic is being too kind — “greedy narcissistic sociopath” would be more accurate. Scientists are in almost total agreement that climate change is caused by human activity, and that it will have disastrous consequences. It is already costing us billions of dollars. Anyone who denies this, just to get […]


GOP Science

© Tom Tomorrow Personally, I don’t think the Republicans actually believe any of this crap. I think the problem is that they will claim to believe anything that their campaign donors want. Or the opposite of what the Democrats believe. In the case of the Keystone XL pipeline, both are in play. That’s why it […]


The Climate of the Election

Far more Americans believe that climate change is real and is happening as a result of human activity, and say that the government should act to control the problem, than deny climate change. In fact, a recent survey shows that only 12% still deny climate change. The number of people who think we need to […]


Jon Stewart Changes the Climate around Climate Change

The Daily show covers the New York Climate Action march, and contrasts it with the idiots on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:


Applying Heat

Around 400,000 people gathered in New York City Sunday to demand action on climate change, making it the largest climate march in history. The march started with a moment of silence, with thousands walking through Times Square with their fists in the air but without making a sound. Tweeters declared that they had never heard […]


More Climate Propaganda

Yesterday’s post was an amazing video showing how climate change deniers cast doubt on the science when there really is not any significant scientific doubt. But there are many other ways that propaganda is used by the climate deniers. For example, in 2012 the New York Times (the poster child for the supposed left-wing media) […]



Unfortunately, propaganda works, especially with enough money pumped into it, and with help from the right-wing media. How many times do we fall for this snow job before we get wise to their tactics? Another propaganda technique is telling people that they can’t do anything about the environment. For example, saying that it will destroy […]


Republicans Say NO NO NO NO

The Republicans in the House just passed what is supposed to be a boring spending bill entitled “Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act”. Except that they riddled it with gifts to special interests and abject stupidity: They slashed funding for renewable energy programs, while boosting funding for coal and other fossil fuels. […]


False Equivalence!

I’m always complaining about false equivalences, like claims that all politicians are equivalently bad, regardless of party. However, I have to admit that Kentucky just might be the exception that proves the rule. In a hearing about carbon emissions and global warming, both sides seem to be vying for the boobie prize of stupidity. On […]


Revenge of the Carbon Tax

Above all else, I believe in pragmatism. Laws and policies should be evaluated not by ideology, but by whether (or not) they work. As such, it has been very interesting to see results from things like marijuana legalization in (first) Colorado and now Washington state, or the availability of free or low-cost contraception on teen […]
