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Monthly Archives: January 2024

Calling Trump’s Bluff

Republicans demanded changes to US border policies before they would pass any aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Which is crazy, since the two things aren’t related. In fact, Senate Minority Leader Match McConnell (R-KY) only reluctantly tied the two because of House right-wing radicals. I guess Donald Trump couldn’t imagine our gridlocked Congress would […]


Consistently WRONG

Why in the world does anyone pay any attention to the Iowa caucuses? Iowa is a small, overwhelmingly white, evangelical state, which forces it’s population of rural farmers and pig ropers to go out on an invariably freezing winter night, where they invariably pick losers. I mean, Rick Santorum? Mike Huckabee? Heck, they didn’t even […]


Insurrections Insecure?

The SCOTUS is wracking their brains for Donald Trump. Who knows, maybe they will anoint him King for Life?



Damned if you do, damned if you don’t! If at first you don’t succeed… Poor me!
