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Happy Birthday to Jimmy Carter

Today is Jimmy Carter’s birthday. And not just any birthday. Carter is 100 years old! In fact he is the only president of the US to live that long. He also has the record for years lived after leaving the presidency. In a side note, he is the first president to have been born in […]


We Love Joe

Joe Biden bathes in the love.


A Modest Proposal

This letter to the editor was published in a newspaper in Michigan, after Governor Rick Snyder and the Republican-controlled legislature voted to cut the school budget by $300 per student, and redistribute some of the money to increase funding for prisons: Dear Governor Snyder, In these tough economic times, schools are hurting. And yes, everyone […]


Cats Explain Voting System Reform

Many states have already had votes to reform our “winner take all” voting system for elections (also called “first past the post“) into “instant runoff” (also called “alternative vote” or “preferential voting”). Some countries and even some local governments in the US already use instant runoff voting. Afraid to vote for third party candidates? Feel […]


A Trap of Their Own Making

If you think the Republican budget proposal written by Paul Ryan was bad — gutting Medicare and giving tax breaks to the rich — consider that it could have been worse. The Republican Study Committee (RSC) wrote an alternative budget that was Ryan on steroids, all but destroying the social contract and giving even larger […]


Bad News and Good News

© Stuart Carlson As John Steinbeck is purported to have said, Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires. That’s the only reason I can see why people in the US continue to vote against their own interests.


Only the little people pay taxes

It has been over three years since Warren Buffett pointed out that he pays a smaller percentage of his income in taxes than his employees. In fact, his receptionist payed almost twice the percentage he pays, even though he doesn’t even take advantage of tax shelters that are available to the rich. It isn’t like […]


Fair and Balanced

[From Rockett Power.] UPDATE: This is the kind of thing that happens when you take away a women’s right to make basic medical decisions about her own body.


The Very Model of a Modern US President


Sinking Feeling of the Unemployed

© David Horsey UPDATE: ProseBeforeHos weighs in on this cartoon and points out the hypocrisy of the Senate Republicans who filibustered unemployment benefits as fiscally unwise (cost: $34 billion) but all voted for extending Bush’s tax cuts (cost: $200 billion per year, or a grand total of $2.2 Trillion if extended the proposed ten years).


The Circle of Life (and Death)

© Joe Heller Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.


If you can’t be right, be neo-right!

© Ruben Bolling This is brilliant. In a non-reality-based frame, you never have to be wrong again!


Oh Yeah?

© Stuart Carlson Is turnabout fair play? UPDATE: This post hit the front page of social news site Reddit, and some pretty ironic flaming is going on over there. What I find amazingly ironic is that most of the arguments are over whether government is good or government is bad, like it could be purely […]


John Cleese Explains Extremism

Not only is this very funny, it even has an element of irony since by blaming extremists, Cleese is using the same tactics of which he is accusing them. Even though this was filmed back in the 1980’s, if anything it is even more relevant today. But it is funny to see whom British extremists […]


One Job Lost Because of Health Care Reform

© Matt Bors
