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Monthly Archives: June 2014

In a Just World

© Tom Tomorrow I know that in the world of 24 hour news, this is becoming old. But I couldn’t resist throwing this in. After all, it is not just Cheney who is still claiming that going into Iraq was a good idea and that the current violence is all Obama’s fault: © Jen Sorensen […]


Unhealthy Skepticism

Paul Krugman points out that Republicans made at least six dire predictions of how Obama’s health care reform was going to fail miserably: They claimed that not enough people would enroll, which would cause an “epic fail“. In fact, they went as far as to tell people to not enroll in health insurance, which shows […]


Leaf Our Kids Alone!

Samantha Bee’s stories just keep getting better and better. This one has extra added irony.


Supreme Court Buffered

Yesterday, the Supreme Court struck down a law that prevents protestors from coming within 35 feet of abortion clinics in Massachusetts. The decision against the buffer zone was unanimous, ruling the law a violation of the First Amendment. Ironically, the Supreme Court itself still has a buffer zone — federal law prohibits protestors from congregating […]


Late Night Political Humor

“This morning the Pentagon announced that the United States has captured a leader responsible for the Benghazi attacks. Republicans were ecstatic and said, ‘So, they finally got Hillary?’” – Conan O’Brien “President Obama is sending a couple hundred troops to Iraq. We spent six years trying to figure a way to get out of Iraq. […]


Third Party?

It looks like Erick Erickson, the founder of the website, doesn’t feel particularly Red (as in Republican) right now. In an editorial published Wednesday, he says: Having been an elected Republican and someone who routinely takes the position of supporting conservatives in primaries and Republicans in general elections, the Mississippi race does crystalize for […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama just had his annual physical, which showed that he’s suffering some pain in his right foot. When asked why he doesn’t get it treated, Obama said bitterly, ‘It’s not covered by Obamacare.’” – Jimmy Fallon “Over the weekend, President Obama got his annual presidential physical. His cholesterol is up and his approval rating […]


Turnabout is Fair Play

© Matt Bors As Pogo would say, “We have met the enemy, and they are us!” Or is this just another example of the old adage that if you go in opposite directions on the political spectrum, you will eventually meet yourself?


Pay for (bad) Performance

A new university study finds that a high CEO compensation actually correlates with worse financial performance for their company. In plain words, not only do these high-priced CEOs cost more (in salary and other compensation), they also cost their companies in other ways, including lower stock price and lower profitability. In fact, CEOs with an […]


Support our Troop!

© Signe Wilkinson Ironically, Dick Cheney wrote that editorial with his daughter Liz, whose birth conveniently provided him with a draft deferral. Isn’t it time? Then we will see if he is greeted as a liberator! UPDATE: Civil war seems to be breaking out in the Republican party. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) said yesterday that […]


Pat Robertson on Iraq

Last week, televangelist Pat Robertson went off on George W. Bush for selling us a “bill of goods” to justify the invasion of Iraq. When asked on his show if there was a solution to the current rise of violence in Iraq, he responded: Right now, what we did — and it was a great […]


Who wants to cut federal spending?

Once again, the Air Force has recommended retiring the A-10 (“Warthog”) support airplane, which would save us taxpayers $4 billion. That’s quite a chunk of change, and given that everyone keeps talking about how we need to cut spending and reduce the deficit, you would think it would be a slam dunk to kill an […]


Late Night Political Humor

“House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost Virginia’s Republican primary to a Tea Party candidate. And get this. It was revealed that Cantor’s campaign actually spent more money at steakhouses than his opponent spent on his entire campaign. Or as one of my guests tonight put it, ‘So? What’s wrong with that?’ Hey, I’m talking about […]



© Jeff Danziger Saddam Hussain was our friend before he became our enemy. The Reagan administration even supplied him with weapons and lied about it. And they looked the other way when Hussain used chemical weapons – the same weapons we would later use as an excuse to invade Iraq.


Late Night Political Humor

“A Tea Party candidate won Virginia’s Republican primary, mostly on his anti-immigration stance. His first plan is to change the state’s slogan from ‘Virginia is for lovers’ to ‘Virginia is for lovers who habla ingles.’” – Conan O’Brien “House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated in the primary election. He spent $5 million on his […]
