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Monthly Archives: August 2017

Old-school Neo-Nazis

© Keef Knight As long as Donald Trump keeps clarifying his statements on Charlottesville, we may as well join in. After all, he has taken almost every possible position except this one.


On the Road Again

I have a big work trip starting up, so posts will probably be a bit scattered for the next month or so. I’m sure I will post occasionally, and I’ll be back at full strength sometime in October, so don’t worry! UPDATE: This trip has been busier than I ever expected. Work has been absolutely […]


The Two Faces of Donald Trump

Donald Trump fired his longtime aide George Gigicos, who has planned almost all of Trump’s rallies since the start of the presidential campaign. Why? Because there weren’t enough people at Trump’s rally in Phoenix. Of course, that didn’t stop Trump from bragging about the size of the rally, calling it a “packed house” and saying […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Aug 22, 2017] Before announcing his decision on Afghanistan, President Trump was said to have made a ‘rigorous’ review of the issue. Yes, Trump said, “I must have read at least four tweets about it!” – Conan O’Brien In his speech on Afghanistan, President Trump said, “Attack we will.” Then Trump introduced his […]


Record Breaking Loser

Donald Trump has broken a presidential record. He has now achieved the lowest approval rating in his first year in office of any president, ever, and he even has five months left in his first year! The first year is supposed to be the honeymoon, so Trump can expect to go downhill from here. So […]


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Aug 17, 2017] In a tweet this morning, President Trump called Confederate statues “beautiful”. People were shocked because it’s the first time Trump has complimented anything that’s over 40 years old. – Conan O’Brien Trump thinks these 100-year-old Confederate monuments are beautiful. Which is weird. Usually Trump doesn’t call anything beautiful if it’s […]


Total Flop

This has to be the flip-flop of the year. Is Donald Trump really going to hold the federal budget hostage just because he is a terrible negotiator?


Hidden Messages

Last week, the Presidential Committee on the Arts and the Humanities disbanded themselves in protest of Donald Trump, but they did something interesting in their letter of resignation. The first letter of each paragraph spelled out R-E-S-I-S-T. Not to be outdone, this week the State Department science envoy resigned, and the first letters of his […]


The Good Old Days?

© Matt Lubchansky Make America Great … Again? What good old days do they want to go back to? The Civil War? © Steve Kelley


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Aug 16, 2017] Last Saturday, Nazis and the KKK provoked violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. That’s what they wanted. That’s why they went there. After a Nazi killed a young woman named Heather Heyer, Donald Trump made a statement and improvised during the statement, that there was violence on “many sides, many sides.” And […]


Making Fun of Nazis

The New York Times has an excellent article on how to deal with white supremacists, racists, and Nazis. They call it “humorous subversion” but it really is just making fun of them. Here’s one example: For decades, Wunsiedel, a German town near the Czech border, has struggled with a parade of unwanted visitors. It was […]


Whistling Dixie

© Brian McFadden Every since Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” Republicans have been courting racists and bigots in the name of states rights, voter fraud laws, harsh and excessive drug laws aimed primarily at minorities, attacks on immigrants, “three strikes”, “stand your ground” and other racist laws. The one thing they can’t stand is someone actually, you […]


Three down

Four to go. Or should I say “Five to go”?


The Eclipse Conspiracy

[I absolutely love this article from The Atlantic. Especially the last line. –iron] The scientists are all talking like it’s a sure thing. On August 21, the “moon” will pass between the Earth and the sun, obscuring the light of the latter. The government agency NASA says this will result in “one of nature’s most […]


Give Us a Sign!
