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Tag Archives: Religion


© Steve Kelly How much bad news can we take? Either caused by man or nature? Meanwhile, I had hope that we had heard the last from Michele Bachmann when she lost her seat in Congress, but then Donald Trump decided to become the first sitting president in history to talk at the Values Voter […]


Market Fundamentalism

© Jen Sorensen Don’t get me wrong — I love free markets. But free markets require careful regulation to keep them free. Democracy and freedom still requires the rule of law. Otherwise we end up with monopolies, corporations as people, robber barons, corporate welfare, and economic stagnation. In fact, the point of this comic is […]


When is a Travel Ban Not a Travel Ban?

Donald Trump is his own worst enemy. Twice the courts have struck down the travel ban against Muslims he promised repeatedly during his presidential campaign. In response, his spokespeople denied that it was a travel ban against Muslims. For example, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said “It’s not a Muslim ban. It’s not a […]


Fight Hate With Love!

Last week, a white supremacist started screaming anti-Islamic slurs at two Muslim girls on a commuter train in Portland. After three men rose from their seats to defend the young women, the attacker pulled a knife and stabbed the men, killing two and putting the third in the hospital. Two Muslim organizations launched a fundraising […]


What Really Matters

Are we Making America Great Again? Yesterday was a day for noisy but ultimately meaningless gestures from Republicans. The GOP controlled House passed their bill to destroy Obamacare, but that bill won’t even get a vote in the Senate. In the end, the only actual result from the House vote might be making it easier […]


The Country of Woebegon

Garrison Keillor is searching for a new religion, because he is appaled at all the supposed Christians who voted for Donald Trump. And so the Boy President heads for Washington to be sworn into office, pumping his fist, mooning the media, giving the stinky finger to whomever irks him, doing his end-zone dance, promising to […]


More Religious Hypocrisy

I recently reported about the utter hypocrisy of the religious right. Here’s another blatant example:


The Meaning of Freedom?

Some people don’t seem to understand that freedom of speech applies to everyone, not just people they agree with. Two examples: In Colorado, a student-run high school newspaper decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for president. What happened next was shocking. Local Trump supporters exploded in anger, demanding that the paper give equal space to Donald […]


Religious Wrong

© Matt Wuerker The George W Bush administration courted the religious right, but then pretty much ignored them. At the time I concluded that Dubya was playing the religious right for fools. But watching how the “religious” right fell in line behind Trump is changing my opinion. Just look at Trump. Can you imagine anyone […]


Trolling the GOP Convention

Ronald Reagan’s son Ron has rented a billboard in Cleveland so he can troll the GOP convention using his father’s own words. Here’s an example: © FFRC The quote on the billboard really is from the Republican’s Saint Ronnie. The speech it comes from is even more explicit: We in the United States, above all, […]


I know you are, but…

I have a new theory about Donald Trump. It is something I’ve been noticing about him for more than a few weeks now. We all know that Donald Trump likes to attack people, but what I’m observing is that the things that Trump accuses other people of are pretty much all things that he himself […]


Old Time Religion!

When are religious voters going to get tired of being jerked around by Republicans? Last week at a supposedly religious event in Washington titled the “Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority” conference, social conservatives were told that Donald Trump is the only choice for evangelicals. Conference leader Ralph Reed cited Trump’s positions on abortion, […]


Real Christian Values

It is nice to find a Republican who, at least on one issue, acknowledges reality. The GOP governor of the state of Georgia, Nathan Deal, has strongly denounced a proposed “religious freedom” bill that would exempt religious bigots from prosecution if they discriminate against people with different sexual orientation. What really impressed me, however, is […]


Setting the Bar

© GB Trudeau Not that I believe in Satan or anything, but if I did, I sure as heck would be wondering about some of the leading Republican presidential candidates. In fact, Trump wouldn’t even be my first choice for devil incarnate. After all, he missed sloth.


Cruz Missile

© G B Trudeau Are conservative Christians going to be fooled again, the way they were with Dubya? I mean, for heaven’s sake, Ted Cruz is married to an investment banker and his only motto seems to be something like “Praise the Lord and gimme the greenbacks”. And while he has the most hardline stance […]
