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Monthly Archives: March 2024

Security Risk

Now that Donald Trump has been fined around half a billion dollars for defrauding New York state, he finds himself in quite a pickle. A few days ago, Trump and his attorneys said that Trump cannot afford to post the bond required in order to appeal the fine. According to them, Trump was turned down […]


So Good to Have Jon Stewart Back

Even if he only does his thing once a week, it is so good to have him doing a regular show again. And he even makes fun of himself. I love his takedown of Republicans who claim that they are the true patriotic Americans, despite the fact that they also claim they want Trump to […]


The Panderables

This is a very powerful video. It starts out with Jimmy Kimmel making fun of Donald Trump during the Oscars last night, and then goes on to provide tons of evidence that Trump doesn’t care one bit about his base. Trump says things that they will like, but they are all lies. It doesn’t matter, […]


The Red Response

SNL’s cold open of the State of the Union. The best part is Scarlet Johansson nailing the Republican response.


Donald Trump’s Brain is Broken

There is more and more evidence the Orange one’s Cheese has slipped off his cracker:


Trump’s Golden Slippers Gang

They forgot Amy Cony Barrett!
