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Monthly Archives: November 2013

Late Night Political Humor

“Many scam artists are trying to take advantage of the problems with the Obamacare website. Experts say you can tell it’s a scam site if you enter your information and it quickly and efficiently signs you up for healthcare.” – Conan O’Brien “German veterinarians have a tortoise moving again after giving him a Lego wheel […]


Memories of Bush’s Katrina

Seriously? The media decides to compare the rollout of Obamacare to Dubya’s handling of Hurricane Katrina? But if that isn’t insane enough, the media had to take it one step beyond that and try to make it sound unfair to Bush to compare Obamacare to Katrina. Naturally, the Daily Show makes quick work of that: […]


Late Night Political Humor

“In a new interview today, Sarah Palin refused to endorse Chris Christie. Afterward, Christie told Palin, ‘Thanks, I owe you one’.” – Conan O’Brien “Happy Veterans Day. President Obama today honored our oldest living veteran, who is 107 years old. So congratulations to Senator John McCain.” – Jay Leno “It is Veterans Day. A 107-year-old […]


Racist? Part 2

Well, if they aren’t racist, then the only other possibility is that they are incredibly naive and stupid.


Late Night Political Humor

“As you may know, Thanksgiving began in 1621 when the Pilgrims feasted with the Indians and promised them, ‘If you like your land, you can keep your land’.” – Jay Leno “The Obama White House website still says if you like your health plan, you can keep it. That’s false, of course. The president says […]



Ever get confused as to whether something is racist or not? This can help! Jon Stewart and three members of the Daily Show team, PLUS Key and Peele. It doesn’t get much funnier than this.


Late Night Political Humor

“Apparently there is a huge crack cocaine problem in Toronto. Luckily, it’s just confined to the mayor’s office.” – Jay Leno “Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford’s approval ratings have skyrocketing since he announced that he’s smoking crack cocaine. Is EVERYBODY up there on crack? Is that the deal?” – David Letterman “As I’m sure you’re […]



Republicans seemed positively gleeful that “only” 40,000 people signed up on in its first month. House Speaker John Boehner released a statement saying “Above all, this report is a symbol of the failure of the president’s health care law. It is a rolling calamity that must be scrapped.” Senator Marco Rubio called the numbers […]


Late Night Political Humor

“New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was re-elected by a huge margin. He gave a great speech last night. He said he learned a lot in the last four years – for example, that lap-band surgery doesn’t always work.” – Jay Leno “Chris Christie won a second term as New Jersey governor last night. We like […]


The Good Side of Obamacare

If you have only been hearing about the problems with the website, read this article about people who have already been helped by the ACA. Why would anyone want to go back to what we had before? If there are problems with the site, fix them. If people are being cancelled by their insurance company […]


Late Night Political Humor

“New Jersey re-elected Governor Chris Christie. Or as Christie put it, ‘I came back for seconds’.” – Conan O’Brien “In New Jersey, they re-elected Chris Christie by a HUGE margin. Is there any other way?” – Craig Ferguson “New York City is going to get a new mayor. It’s between some tall white guy and […]


Truth is Stranger than Fiction

© Tom Tomorrow And in this case, there is plenty of blame to go around. I remember Obama saying several times that the “majority” of people would be able to keep their current health insurance plans. Why in the world would he change that to claim that everyone would be able to keep their current […]


Late Night Political Humor

“New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is hoping to win re-election tomorrow, and polls show that he’s winning by a 19-point margin. Christie was really excited to hear that — but only because he thought someone said ‘margarine’.” – Jimmy Fallon “Chris Christie has really worked hard on the campaign. I heard he spent all weekend […]


It depends on what you mean by “everything”

New York magazine reports on a story in the Wall Street Journal (which is unfortunately protected behind a pay-wall). Republican Congressman Doug Collins states that “Congress should do everything in its power to tackle deficits.” Except that deficits are, by definition, the difference between revenue and spending, so a reporter asks him whether Republicans should […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Six kids showed up for Halloween with no costumes at all, just dressed like ordinary people. They said, ‘We’re the six people who signed up for Obamacare on the first day.’” – Jay Leno “According to CBS News, only six people enrolled in Obamacare on the first day of the rollout. Six! That means more […]
