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Monthly Archives: October 2020

Schooling the Presidential Debate

Assuming that there is a final presidential debate, teacher Gerry Brooks has an excellent set of proposed procedures for keeping it from going off the rails like the first debate did. “Can you believe that?”


Pack Rats

The idea of “court packing” the US Supreme Court has been getting attention lately, in the wake of Mitch McConnell and the Republican controlled Senate ramming through the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett less than a month before the presidential election. The media seems intent on pressing Joe Biden — including during Biden’s town hall […]


Walk of Shame

This ad by the Lincoln Project has a sense of humor. Methinks that they are starting to gloat just a little.


Visualizing Covid-19

This is a fascinating interactive visualization of Covid-19 by state over time, created by Dan Goodspeed. The color of the bar indicates whether the state is “blue” or “red” (based on the Cook Partisan Voting Index). The length of each bar shows the number of Covid-19 cases per million people in each state. For example, […]


Going to the Dogs

Trump is the first president in over a century who doesn’t have a dog. What I want to know is, in the clip of Trump saying he doesn’t want a dog, why are all those supporters clapping?


Obama v. Trump

This is absolutely hilarious.


Sacha Baron Cohen, Seriously

There is an interesting article in Time Magazine by Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat, Ali G, etc.) titled “We Must Save Democracy from Conspiracies”. Here’s a sample: Using unhinged lies and conspiracies to gain power and subjugate others is, of course, nothing new. The blood libel—the myth that Jews murdered Christian children and used their blood […]


What are you voting for?

There are so many reasons to vote during this presidential election. Which of these are included in your reasons?


You’re Fired!

If you are suffering from Trump Fatigue, you aren’t alone. Just think of how nice it might be if we never had to hear from him again. So peaceful. Another great video from Randy Rainbow.


Closing Argument

I love hearing Michelle Obama speak. Listening to someone who actually understands and believes what they are talking about (without any overriding political agenda) is so refreshing. Yes, I know a 24-minute video is way too long for our short-attention-span world. But I’m posting this only because you might have noticed this video, but not […]


SNL is back!

And just in time. Here’s the cold open from last night. It starts out a little rough but has a good finish.


Fear of Monsters

As someone who really misses the comic “Calvin and Hobbes”, I take solace in Ruben Bolling’s occasional “Donald and John” strip:


Trump Knew!

Yes, Donald Trump knew that Hope Hicks had Covid-19 and that he had been exposed to her many times. And yet he still attended a fundraising event on Thursday with 30-50 donors (who paid as much as $250,000 to get a great bit more than they bargained for). Not only that, but he met privately […]


Presidential Covid Humor

Yes, I know that this is in bad taste, but this has been an election that has broken all existing rules of taste and decorum. So why not make some jokes to have some fun? Just remember that even Trump is somebody’s child.My thoughts are with Satan at this time. As President, Trump should get […]


Trump is a SuperSpreader

I hope everyone notes that Hope Hicks was showing symptoms of Covid-19 and was diagnosed Wednesday night. She had been in frequent close contact with Donald Trump. But did Trump quarantine himself? I’ll give you one guess. According to WaPo, on Thursday “Trump and his entourage flew to New Jersey, where he attended a fundraiser […]
