I still think Joe Biden could have won the election. However, that Amtrak train has passed, and I’m pleased at how quickly the Democrats have found their previously missing unity and coalesced around Kamala Harris.
So right now, pretty much the biggest worry about Harris is whether US voters are willing to elect a woman president. But a female friend of mine (born in Mexico, but now a US citizen) pointed out that if even Mexico (land of male machismo) can elect a female president, then it is about damn time that the US could do the same.
If anything, the current debate around abortion means that Harris should be able to get even red-state women to vote for her as a presidential candidate. Plus she would be running against two sleazy men. It also helps that (as many point out) it would be the Attorney General versus the Convicted Felon.
I am getting tired of Democrats panicking. Of course the media is going to keep talking about Biden’s bad debate, after all, it is clickbait for them. Of course Republicans are going to keep talking about it, they want to win power even if it destroys our country.
History is littered with bad presidential debate performances: Ronald Reagan’s first debate in 1980 against Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton in 1992 against George Bush and Ross Perot, Barack Obama against John McCain. All of them had terrible, awful, “career ending” debates. Except it didn’t end their careers, and they went on to win. Heck, people were writing off Biden during the 2020 primaries, until he started winning.
We’ve also had presidents whose cheese slipped off their cracker. Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s disease, but he stayed to the end of his term (and others took over for him). Woodrow Wilson had a stroke that left him paralyzed, and his wife (the first lady) took over for him. We’ve also had presidents who died in office. We’ve dealt with it. Biden has surrounded himself with good people who do most of the work of the administration. What we have NOT had is a president who wants to destroy the Constitution and throw his opponents in jail. Or who has had more convicted criminals in his administration. Until now.
Are we democrats total wimps??? For heaven’s sake, Donald Trump lied his way through the debate, is a convicted felon, a sex offender, a traitor who admires our enemies, and an idiot, but his base continues to think he is the second coming of Jesus, and Republican politicians kiss his ass daily.
And you want to dump Biden because of one bad debate?
Besides, saying “Biden must go” doesn’t make sense. Who is going to take his place? You can’t win an election with nobody. Who you gonna call? The Ghostbusters? Otherwise, saying “Biden must go” is a vote for Trump, and likely the end of our democracy.
If we are going to save America, we have to fight. If you think Biden has lost the election because of one bad debate, then you need to wake up. Here are two things for you to hear: first is the podcast by Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project, published the day after the debate.
And second is this powerful posting on Electoral-Vote.com, which also includes the fiery speech given by Biden in North Carolina the day after the bad debate. He had a bad day, but it didn’t last.
My response to the debate was to send money to Joe Biden’s campaign. And – of course – I write these posts. You shouldn’t panic, you shouldfight like your country depends on it.
I’d rather have a president that sometimes has a slow day, rather than someone who lies so much his pants are on fire.
WARNING!!! If you laugh at this meme you will be in violation of section 14.1.2 of The Dear Leader Is Divine King Act of 2025 and thus subject to detention and hard labor in a Re-education Camp.
How many of you will be watching the presidential debate on Thursday? I will be, but we’ll see how long I last. Meanwhile, here are two good comics by Clay Bennett.
Donald Trump has ordered his minions to never call what he is doing “debate prep”, because he (stupidly) believes that he is always ready for any debate. I’m thinking that all he is ready to do is lie and call people names. We’ll see.
The only thing for sure is, regardless of which one of them wins the election, they will be the oldest president ever elected. Well, at least in years.
Update: I only lasted through 2 questions, and then I had to turn it off. Trump did his thing where he didn’t actually answer the questions, but spouted out multiple lies one after another, which were impossible to defend against. It was just big lies, but I’m afraid that too many Americans will be hoodwinked. I feel sorry for our country if we end up with Trump winning the election.
It was started by an article published by a conservative author, titled “There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel”. It starts with an executive summary, “Dolly’s right that all should be treated with love and kindness, but when we refuse to label sin a sin, we’re doing more harm than good.”
The article attacks Parton for condoning immoral sexual behavior, like refusing to judge LGBTQ+ people, saying “calling out sin by name isn’t judgement. It’s adhering to Scripture.” How hypocritical! Is it treating someone with love and kindness when one is condemning them for being gay?
Ironically, the conservative author mentioned above apologized for the article, saying “As I wrote in the piece, I love her and think she does some incredible things for the world. We all make poor choices in how to frame things sometimes. This was one of those moments for me! Dolly is one of the few people who is beloved by all and who loves all. The world is lucky to have her.”
However, and to nobody’s surprise, that didn’t stop Republicans from continuing to attack Parton. After all, for Republicans to win, they have to demonize and cancel everyone who is not a Trump supporter, including not just gays, but also Democrats in general.
I’m one of the many people who really likes Dolly Parton, her music, and her love and kindness for everyone. And I say this, despite the fact that I’m not usually a country music lover, and I’m definitely liberal in my views. Parton is a breath of fresh air for pretty much everyone, regardless of their political slant or social views. In fact, she might have been one of the last people who unified both sides of our fractured nation. I hope her cancelation isn’t the harbinger of the inevitability of civil war.
The right-wing media (not to mention the GOP) keeps claiming that crime is up in Democratic cities. But they are lying. According to FBI’s crime statistics, crime is dropping dramatically right now.
Not only that, but it is largely Republicans who are making it easy for anyone to get a gun, including criminals. And the conservative Supreme Court just made Bump Stocks, which turn assault weapons into machine guns, legal again.
CNN put together a video showing the reactions of conservatives to Hunter Biden’s three convictions, and how the same conservatives reacted to Donald Trump’s 34 convictions. They couldn’t be more different. Are these people that hypocritical?
Trump used to come up with campaign slogans, like “Build the Wall”, or “Lock her Up”. But lately he has fallen off. Just in time, Jack Ohman has a cartoon showing an ad agency with far more appropriate slogans given recent events:
I love Calvin and Hobbes, but I have to admit that Calvin reminds me of Donald Trump. After all, Trump constantly makes things up, but can’t stand it when someone points out that they aren’t real.
During Donald Trump’s trial, he tried to get Judge Juan Merchan recused not once, but twice. Trump’s argument was based on the fact that Merchan’s adult daughter works for a consulting firm that has Democratic clients. This is especially bizarre because last year (before the trial even started), a judicial ethics commission decided that Merchan’s daughter’s work did not require recusal of the judge.
Now, recall that we have two Supreme Court justices who have refused to recuse themselves from cases related to Trump’s attempts to steal the 2020 presidential election. The first one is Clarence Thomas, whose wife Virginia is “a longtime conservative activist and Trump booster“, who actually helped lead the “Stop the Steal” campaign, and even attended the January 6, 2021 rally near the White House (but, like Trump himself, did not march on the Capitol).
The second one is Samuel Alito, whose wife twice flew flags at their home that were commonly used by the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol.
UPDATE: According to The Hill, a former law clerk for Samuel Alito has called for him to recuse himself from cases relating to Donald Trump, saying: “Irrespective of why it is there, who put it there — it shouldn’t have been there. The problem is that flag is incendiary, and it cannot do anything other than raise a reasonable inference of bias”.
I’m sure this is all over the internet by now, but it is SOOO precious. Representative John Rose (R-TN), rose up to speak to an virtually empty House to follow in the footsteps of Republicans kissing the ring of Donald Trump. But he brought his 6-year-old son, who — sitting behind his dad — managed to steal the show.
I’m showing you the entire 5 minutes of the speech, even though the funniest parts for the son are right up front. He’s just mimicking what anyone who isn’t MAGA would be feeling about this speech.
In his speech, the representative just repeated the lies being spewed out by Trump and other Republicans. For example, the claim that Alvin Bragg, who was elected to be the Manhattan District Attorney, campaigned on a promise to prosecute Donald Trump, is totally false. In fact, Bragg initially decided NOT to bring charges against Trump, but some of the lawyers who had been working for a while on the Trump case were so upset, they resigned in protest. After spending almost a year following the evidence, Bragg decided to bring charges.
Republicans keep lying, saying that Joe Biden weaponized the Department of Justice to go after Trump. That is laughable. The US DOJ has absolutely nothing to do with the state of New York or its legal system. According to former Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina, “Joe Biden or anyone from his Justice Department has absolutely zero to do with the Manhattan District Attorney office, they have no jurisdiction over him, they have no contact with him, they have no control certainly over him. So to say that Joe Biden brought this case is one of the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. We know that’s not the case and even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”
There are plenty of other lies being repeated ad nauseam by Republicans. I guess they are just following the Nazi dictum that “if you tell a lie often enough, people will start to believe it”.
UPDATE: Rep. Rose’s son, whose name is Guy, said his dad’s speech was “so boring“. I agree. Having all the Republicans parroting the same tired lies has to become pretty stale quickly.
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