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Tag Archives: Corporations

Follow the money, if you can

© Tom Toles The Republicans are filibustering a bill that would require political ads to disclose who funded them. Democrats need only a single vote to break the filibuster, but not a single Republican will support the bill. This bill is a small thing that would reverse some of the Supreme Court decision (“Citizen’s United“) […]


How to Run Your Family like a Corporation

© Ruben Bolling What is it with the current swarm of corporate CEOs who are running for political office? Didn’t we learn our lesson after Dubya promised during his campaign to run the government like a business? If Tony Hayward weren’t British, I’m sure the Republicans would be trying to nominate him for the presidency. […]


Who do you think is going to pay for all that corporate free speech?

© Joel Pett


If corporations are people, and slavery is illegal, then buying and selling of corporate shares is slavery and must be abolished!

A fascinating story on Alternet makes an interesting point. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, so it is illegal to own a person. And yet, if corporations are people with human rights like speech, as the Supreme Court recently ruled, then these corporate persons cannot be bought or sold, so all buying and selling of stocks […]


No Sense – Check it Out

© John Sherffius


Goodnight, and Good Luck

© Ruben Bolling


The far reaching consequences of the Supreme Court ruling on corporate free speech and how it might affect gay marriage

© Matt Bors I love this comic in so many different ways — especially how it mashes up the issues of corporate personhood and gay marriage. And as crazy as this comic sounds, our current political situation is even more insane.


Corporate Persons are Jerks

© Brian McFadden


Murray Hill (Inc.) for Congress

In a wonderfully ironic twist on the recent Supreme Court ruling, an actual corporation has announced it is running for Congress. Why not? If corporations have all the rights of people, why can’t they run for public office? Murray Hill even have an “official” campaign website, so it must be real! Watch their campaign video: […]


The Supreme Good News and Bad News

© Larry Wright As I pointed out yesterday, the downside for corporations of making it legal for them to spend unlimited amounts of money on electioneering, is that their competitors will be doing the same thing.


Is the Supreme Court decision really about free speech?

I’ve been reading arguments in favor of the Supreme Court decision removing restrictions on political speech by corporations. Some of these arguments come from people or groups I trust, so I was curious to see if they could change my mind about the decision. First, I should explain that I am not against the Supreme […]


We The People?

© Adam Zyglis


Free Speech

© Steve Sack


New Flag of the Corporate States of America

By GottaLaff via Political Carnival


Stimulus Package

© Brett Penrose
