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In Your Face(book)

Jon FavreauJon Favreau, Obama’s chief speechwriter during the campaign, has gotten himself into trouble because of some photos that appeared on his Facebook page, showing him at a recent party playing with a life-sized cardboard cutout of Hillary Clinton (he’s the guy on the left in the photo, feeling up the statue). Another photo showed him dancing with the cutout.

An apology was offered to Clinton, and the offending photos were removed, but the best part is the response from Clinton aide Philippe Reines:

Sen. Clinton is pleased to learn of Jon’s obvious interest in the State Department, and is currently reviewing his application.



One Comment

  1. Eric E. wrote:

    This is the kind of behavior you’d expect from a drunken frat boy. But Mr. Favreau is not a boy. He’s a grown man charged with the responsibility of expressing the highest ideals and beliefs of our next president.

    If Favreau was working in any corporation, and posted pictures of himself gleefully groping the image of a female colleague, he would lose his job. It’s sexual harassment.

    Favreau’s behavior devalues and disrespects our incoming Secretary of State. His jubilant portrayal of sexual assault should immediately result in his removal from his position in the new administration. He should be fired. How would you feel if this was your mother, sister, Michelle Obama, Obama’s daughters or others? It’s just plain wrong.

    Favreau’s behavior has been offensive and digusting. What is deeply concerning is Favreau’s brazen disrespect toward women. I am surprised that Favreau has not removed the picture from his Facebook page (It’s still there.), and even more surprised that he has not been fired. Such disrespect should not be tolerated.

    I hope that Obama will find it unacceptable to have as part of his administration’s culture the continuation of an old boys club mentality, where men chuckle, jeer at, disrespect, and degrade women, including the woman who will be your Secretary of State.


    Friday, December 26, 2008 at 3:18 am | Permalink