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Rahm Emanual: Standout Standup at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

I’m not a big fan of Rahm Emanuel but he gave a rousing and eloquent defense of the Obama administration at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner November 19. I recommend reading the more serious parts in the full transcript here but he began with a top notch blast of standup:

While we meet here tonight, the Republicans are having a debate across town.

I’ve watched a number of them, and I’ve got to be honest, I never thought I’d say this, (pause) I’m beginning to miss Sarah Palin’s insights.

Their debate was called the Thanksgiving Family Forum — which is fitting because I have never seen such a collection of turkeys.

Look at their top candidates: Take Mitt Romney. He said he would be in Iowa tonight. (pause) We should have known he would change his mind.

Newt was at the debate. I heard he had to leave early to spend the holiday with his loved ones … the salespeople at Tiffanys.

And Herman Cain? I was actually hoping Herman would stop by today and see me before the debate, but he was at his tutorial on Libya. The scary part, his tutor was Rick Perry.

In truth, the Republicans do have an impressive field…

Governor Mitch Daniels, Governor Haley Barbour and former Governor Jeb Bush …

The only problem, they’re not on the field.

Rahm made some pretty telling comparisons between the current GOP field and the 2008 Democratic primary contenders as well:

I just want you to think about this for a second. Think of our field in 2008. At our debates in Iowa, we had Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Senator Chris Dodd, and President Obama.

Now think about their field: Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum …

I’m beginning to feel sorry for Republican primary voters.

I suppose it’s not an entirely fair comparison since the Democrats are from 2008. However, the current GOP crop doesn’t fair well compared to the 2008 GOP field either. Heck, the 2008 Romney would kick 2011 Romney’s butt.
– Iron Filing
