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Monthly Archives: May 2012

The Republican Argument Against PACs

Obama is on record against PACs and SuperPACs, which can funnel unlimited amounts of money into protected political speech. So of course, when he accepts money from them, he is attacked for being hypocritical. And yet, it seems that the only way this country will get any restrictions against PACs and SuperPACs, is by them […]


Late Night Political Humor

“There was a huge fundraiser for President Obama at George Clooney’s house last Thursday night. They raised over $15 million. Actually, one awkward moment: When they were handing President Obama the check… the Chinese ambassador stepped in and said, ‘I believe that belongs to us.’” – Jay Leno “JPMorgan announced they lost $2 billion last […]


GOP Gives Defense Bill a Wedgie

When Obama came out in favor of same-sex marriage, Republicans accused him of using it as a wedge issue. But it seems that the GOP just can’t help themselves with their gay hating ways. The Republican-led House just attached a provision into the defense authorization bill banning military chapels from performing same-sex marriages. The bill […]


Hawaiian Election Humor

Two months ago, Arizona’s Secretary of State Ken Bennett sent a request to Hawaii to verify that Barack Obama was born there, so that Obama could be placed on the presidential ballot. This despite the fact that Hawaii has already stated over and over again that Obama was born there in 1961 and that they […]


Let the SuperPACs Begin!

Karl Rove’s SuperPAC American Crossroads releases an anti-Obama ad. It is actually pretty funny, both intentionally and unintentionally:


Financial Animals

Even after the great recession, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon was considered the best and brightest of the bankers. He argued that new regulations were not needed and that his company shouldn’t be penalized because other bankers were stupid. So now that his company did something really stupid, will he change his tune? © Kevin […]


Mitt Romney in a Nutshell, in his own Words

Mitt Romney, when asked if he stood by comments he made on Sean Hannity’s radio show saying that President Obama wanted to make the U.S. a “less Christian nation”. Romney replies “I’m not familiar, precisely, with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was.” Watch him say it: I […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama said he was evolving and then he came out for gay marriage. Conservatives, of course, are furious – not about the gay thing, about evolution.” – Bill Maher “In an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, President Obama said, ‘It is important for me to affirm that I think same-sex couples should be […]


James O’Keefe Lies Again

Who keeps funding these stupid propaganda videos made by James O’Keefe? The guy isn’t even very good at lying, and he certainly is a very sorry excuse for a journalist. His latest video, which you can watch here (if you can stand to), he harasses two men claiming that they voted in North Carolina elections […]


Don’t Worry, I Got This

At least bipartisanship humor isn’t dead. New Jersey Gov Chris Christie (R) and Newark Mayor Cory Booker (D) did a very funny video for last night’s state Press Association Legislative Correspondents Club dinner.


Late Night Political Humor

“The White House admitted that Vice President Biden’s endorsement of gay marriage forced him to come out in favor of it. So in a related story millions of Americans are trying to get Biden hooked on pot.” – Conan O’Brien “President Obama says he supports same-sex marriage. Not only that but he’s going to turn […]


Marriage according to the Bible

from Unicorn Booty Personally, I believe that Jesus wouldn’t care one way or another about same-sex marriage, and that some people are just using the Bible to support their own homophobia and sexism. Which is pretty darn unchristian-like.


Traditional Marriage

via bartcop I can’t think of anything to add to this that I haven’t already said. UPDATE: I guess I do have something to add. While the Newsweek cover (sensationally) calls Obama “the first gay president”, an excellent article in Salon points out that James Buchanan, who was president just before Abraham Lincoln, was our […]


We have met the enemy and he is us

© Tom Tomorrow Tom Tomorrow says that you “should imagine the Austerions speaking in full, booming voices, with the reverb cranked up high.” Oh, and it looks like Paul Krugman recognized himself in the 4th panel. What I don’t understand is why we listen to our own Austerions, when it should be a dead give-away […]


Playing with Dynamite

Last week, the largest bank in the US admitted that it had made a very stupid and risky investment and had lost an incredible $2 billion. What makes this ironic is that JP Morgan has been one of the strongest voices arguing against regulations on banks. Indeed, Morgan had weathered the 2008 financial meltdown relatively […]
