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Al Franken Entertains

Every since Al Franken was elected to the Senate, he has tried to distance himself from his past job as a comedian. Until about a week ago, when he spoke at a Roast and got some of his chops back, mostly at the expense of Ted Cruz (whom Franken described as “the lovechild of Joe McCarthy and Dracula”).

But the line that brought the house down was: “Cruz can be really hard to get along with, but I understand that in a couple weeks he’s planning to launch a charm offensive. He’s having a little trouble with the charm part but he’s got the offensive part down cold.”

There are lots of other good lines, especially near the end. You can watch an edited version of the Roast, with jokes intact, here:

Speaking of making fun of Ted Cruz, after repeatedly saying rude things about “New York values”, New York paid him back in kind. Cruz finished fourth in the state, behind Ben Carson, who dropped over a month ago. Cruz received no delegates in the primary.
