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Oh No, She’s Bach

It has been a very long time since we have heard from Michele Bachmann. No surprises, as she is even crazier than ever. The first 45 seconds of this video is Bachmann praying loudly that God will intervene and make Trump the president. Somehow, given how things are going, I don’t think God is listening to her.

Besides, if God followed Bachman’s prayers to smash deceit and delusion, one would assume that the first thing He would smash might just be Trump.



  1. Lewtoo wrote:

    Fine example of what is wrong with religion.

    Aren’t most religions based on love. Didn’t hear much loving going on there- smash this, smash that, iron rod, fine christian she is.
    Fortunately, nothing fails like prayer.

    Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 4:23 pm | Permalink
  2. Ray Gergen wrote:

    If there were a god as the “Christians” (especially evaginacals) conceive him to be, most of them would have been smited by their god of love a long, long time ago.

    Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 8:45 am | Permalink
  3. Wildwood wrote:

    Brain washing is alive and well in this world and it starts with religion. Another notable example is the military. The brainwashed dogma of both are denied by those afflicted. A lot of what’s wrong comes from those who can only think within the structure of what they have been taught to believe.

    Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 2:17 pm | Permalink
  4. ebdoug wrote:

    And Michelle Bachman has all those children she takes in to spew her brew on.
    I was thinking today of my very most high society mother who kept that veneer, but underneath she was a flaming liberal. We had a huge empty barn. I’d spend hours in my mind converting that to a house, but I also spent hours with my future husband up there. My mother had electricity put in the barn for us. And brought home one of those flashy signs from her liquor store to decorate our next with. (While I live there, the barn was not converted to a house. After my parents sold the property, a man bought the barn and land, turned it into a house. After he lived there, he sold it to Michael Spinks, brother of Leon but not as successful at boxing. I can go on Google earth and see “my barn” with its swimming pool, etc. And that is the block Jill and Joe built their house on four acres.

    Monday, November 16, 2020 at 2:21 pm | Permalink
  5. rk wrote:

    If god did intervene, I’m sure that would violate the separation of church and state.

    Monday, November 16, 2020 at 7:37 pm | Permalink