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Monthly Archives: December 2020

Fiddling While America Burns

Rudy Giuliani was hospitalized yesterday with the coronavirus. Now there is nobody left in Donald Trump’s orbit to claim that the election was stolen. Well, nobody but Trump himself. So Trump will go down like the worst losers do, alone and raving, deserted by allies and maybe even family.


The U.S. of Eh?

Having lived in Canada, I find this even more hilarious: If you don’t think they are serious, read this.


Responding to the Worst Responder

I really hope the Dems are able to pull off a miracle and elect two senators from the previously red state of Georgia. The main reason for this is because we desperately need to get rid of Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. The Majority Leader gets to decide, unilaterally, which business comes up for […]


Deficit Hawks

Once again we see the pattern of Republicans spending like drunken sailors when they are in power, and then becoming deficit hawks when they lose power. During the George W Bush administration, VP Dick Cheney famously said “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” Cheney was talking about the midterm elections, which the GOP had won. Despite […]


Vaccine Line

The NY Times has posted a simple interactive tool “Find Your Place in the Vaccine Line” that will give you an idea of how soon you might be able to receive a vaccine for Covid-19.


Donald Trump Library

If you haven’t seen this yet, here is a beautiful (and hilarious) mockup of the Donald Trump presidential library.
