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Monthly Archives: February 2021


The Republican Party is destroying itself. Here are the results of a survey comparing the net favorability of several GOP congresspeople. That’s right, Marjorie Taylor Green is the new congresscritter who is racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic, believes in QAnon and that the presidential election was stolen, blames the wildfires in California on Jewish laser satellites, […]


The not-so-invisible hand of the free market

Can somebody explain why I’m getting most of my information about the whole GameStop story from humorous comics? For example, the same thing is now being done to silver futures. And gold futures might be next. Let me be clear, I’m not saying that the manipulation of GameStop’s stock is a good thing. The only […]


What Trump Supporters Like About Him

This is a fascinating video listing 12 things (or accomplishments) that Trump supporters like about him. It also adds two additional things. Watch until the end to see how it all turns out. After you watch the video, here’s the link he talks about. But definitely watch the video first.
