As many people have pointed out, when Donald Trump tells you who he is and what terrible things he is planning on doing, believe him!
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I heard that speech. I heard the end of that quate as ” . . . I love you Christians I’m not a Christian . . .” I do believe the truth slipped out there.
Yes, I was about to say what Ray above mentioned. He clearly said “I am not a christian”
You two are not the only people who heard that. Why has no news media pointed that out?
Iron Knee, Could it be because Hassan and I honest witnesses & because we have no money in the game?
IK, watch that with youtube captions, even that says “not”
Now it can be genuine misspeak (or freudian slip)
This is long but good on Christian Nationalism. I’m in there as I practice ahimsa.
It was April 3rd that I first sent out an email on Project 2025. Wikipedia had a short version now then that is off the Internet. I put the link on every Web site I could find. Asked people to spread the word. And now all except the Magats are learning about it. Spread like Wildfire. I also finished Fred III’s book last night. 1/2 way through I found out there was information I was unaware of.
This is a great Sermon on how awful Christian Nationalism is.
I really like that sermon. And I’ve been an atheist all my life. Great way to look at the world. Thanks for posting that, Eva.
You have me beat. I didn’t start disbelieving until I was eleven. I will turn 80 on Bernie’s 83rd birthday and still have no reason to believe. Also Mattis and Ruby Bridges share my birthday.
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