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Mother Jones Talks About “Weird”

I live in Portland, OR, where people are proud to be weird, and many people have bumper stickers and other signs that say “KEEP PORTLAND WEIRD”. So I must admit that when the Democrats started calling Republicans “weird” I was concerned. But Mother Jones explained it to me:

I still would prefer “creepy” to weird, but if it is working, I’ll put up with it.

As an added hilarious video, Seth Myers also calls the Republicans “weird”.



  1. Ray wrote:

    Mr. Iron Knee,
    I have to agree with you on the word “creepy” being a more apt description of the GOP and it’s felonious candidate(s).
    I’ve been called “weird” most of my life, and I have taken pride in that description,as proving I am nothing like the person who has labeled me. But I have never been called “Creepy.” Never.
    Yours in weirdness,

    Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 6:51 am | Permalink
  2. Iron Knee wrote:

    Here’s another great video by Kat Abughazaleh (at Mother Jones).

    I think the whole “Tampon Tim” thing is going to backfire on the GOP (aka, the Genitalia Obsessed Party).

    Monday, August 19, 2024 at 12:40 pm | Permalink

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