By now, most people know about Trump and his campaign’s trip to Arlington National Cemetery, to use it as a political prop, which is illegal. They also used it to create a campaign video, which is also illegal.
In breaking news, we now know why Trump went to Arlington. This is an important point, since Trump has never given a rat’s ass about any dead soldiers.
Publicly hang the traitor.
You do know that the image of Trump doing a golf swing on top of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a fake, right?
DOJ should bring charges, how many crimes country can let him get away with
I think he needs house arrest with all the rules he would have in prison. All people coming in to the gates must be checked for contraband. He must have a practice place he can hit balls. Visiting hours would be the same as prison. His access to phones or computers would be the same as prison. He would have the same number of TVs prison has. His MAGGots would be stopped, way way away so there could be no protests.
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