On Monday, I mused that Trump would end up being a sad joke, and that it seems to be happening now. I managed to time that right on the mark.
At the debate last night, not only did Trump tell lie after lie, but he must have run out of lies to tell, because he kept repeating the same lies over and over again. He even repeated the lie about immigrants stealing pets to eat them, after the moderators pointed out that it was not true. But Trump just had to argue with them, blurting out that he “saw it on TV”. That’s Trump’s idea of a debate?
Harris killed. Even Fox News couldn’t spin the debate for Trump. After the debate, Fox host Jesse Watters tried to claim that there were “no winners”, but acknowledged “This was rough. This was pretty intense at times.” Watters also admitted “This race just got tighter.”
The chief political analyst for Fox, Brit Hume, was more direct. “This was pretty much her night”. Hume also admitted that Trump was baited by Harris, and took the bait every time (he just can’t help himself). Trump fell back on being the complaining victim, which Hume called “the old grievances that we had long thought Trump had learned were not winners politically.”
Hume also complimented Harris, saying, “She kept her cool.” Host Bret Baier asked Hume, “You’re saying she had a good night?” to which Hume retorted, “I’m saying she certainly did.”

I wish there was some way to determine if the debate actually changed the trajectory of the presidential race. Or at least causing some Magat to rethink their tattoo.

One Comment
He’s just a cranky old man who yells at the children as they pass his house on the other side of the street.