MAGA types seem to only care if they can cause liberals to lose. Ironically, they don’t seem to notice that this will also make them lose even more than the liberals do! Currently, Red states get more government handouts than Blue states. If Trump cuts those handouts, it will hurt more Republicans than Democrats.
Another example, MAGA Republicans want to kick all “illegal” aliens out of the country, but this would be incredibly costly. Like how much money will it require to just find all illegal aliens, and then how much will it cost to send them all to some other country, assuming that any other country would want to accept them!
On top of that, consider that half of all food grown in the US is harvested by illegal aliens. If all the illegal aliens are gone, how many Americans would be interested in that terrible job? And how much will the cost of food increase to get Americans to pick fruit and vegetables? It has been shown that Trump won the election because of the high cost of groceries, gas, and other goods. What will they do when Trump’s plan will raise the cost of those goods way higher than that!

Mr. Dancing Bug is in rare form!
Welcome to the oligarchy, MAGA retards!
It’s a big club, and MAGA ain’t invited.
And so many of the very same maga’s you describe still have their Donold election signs out in their yards proudly displayed, six weeks after the election.
I hate gloaters-
Just yesterday Donold said, “I can’t guarentee Americans won’t pay more if tariffs enacted”
But, those maga’s will dismiss that.
Beacase they won. Nice win, losers.
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[…] Iron Knee at Political Irony considers voters for whom winning only means those they consider enemies are losing. […]