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Tag Archives: Gingrich

Not Mitt Is Not Much

Wednesday, we reviewed 3 of 99 things to know about Mitt. Just to be fairly fair, today we’ll consider the 1 thing worth knowing about each of the other Republican candidates. Cain – He’s not running! He’s selling books and primping himself for a cushy job at Faux News Santorum – Santorum, ’nuff said, I ain’t linking […]



© Lee Judge


Ironic Analogies

© Rob Rogers People in glass houses…


Axis of Stupidity

Newt Gingrich doesn’t think the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are bad enough. On Thursday, Gingrich twice said that the US should attack North Korea and Iran. But the best part is his reasoning — we need to finish what Dubya started when he created the phrase “Axis of Evil”: I believe he was right […]


Now the only question is who will be Newt’s running mate?

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has suddenly decided it is time to give a “major national security address” at the conservative American Enterprise Institute on Thursday. In his speech, Gingrich will directly challenge Obama. Gingrich is also spending an awful lot of time in Iowa and South Carolina. Personally, I think this is […]


Stimulating the Economy — oops!

Newt Gingrich, whose 1995 “Contract with the American Family” promised to fight pornography, has named Allison Vivas of Pink Visual a 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year. The only problem? Pink Visual is a porn DVD superstore. How’s that for “stimulating” the economy? When Gingrich’s American Solutions for Winning the Future (ASWF) was informed of the […]


Gingrich’s vision for Republicans — vote for Democrats

In an interview in the Washington Times, Newt Gingrich lays out his vision for conservatives and Republicans. He calls it “thinking outside the party-label box”. What Gingrich is saying is that the Republican brand is so damaged, that Republicans must promote conservative Democrats (!) I would urge conservatives in California to find a Democrat to […]


Gingrich Disses Reagan!

Ronald Reagan, speaking to the United Nations on June 19, 1982: I speak today as both a citizen of the United States and of the world. … My people have sent me here today to speak for them as citizens of the world, which they truly are, for we Americans are drawn from every nationality […]
