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Tag Archives: Whistleblowers

Principles Lost

© Ted Rall This reminds me of all the campaign speeches Obama made about openness and transparency in government, and how we should protect government whistleblowers. He didn’t change in order to get elected, but he sure changed after he got elected. Yes, Obama did sign a law protecting whistleblowers last year, I’ll give him […]


Making an Example

Bradley Manning has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for being a whistleblower. The prosecution argued for a 60 year sentence, specifically to make an example of him to deter others from leaking classified information. Ironically, the example they are actually making is that being a whistleblower is considered as bad as being an […]


The News Media on Snowden

© Tom Tomorrow Yes, I will admit it. Even I have been somewhat guilty of spending an inordinate amount of time talking about whistleblower Edward Snowden himself, rather than the repercussions of the things he has leaked to the media. Is there no hope for any of us? Is corporate media that adept at controlling […]


Daniel Ellsberg on Edward Snowden

The Washington Post has published an opinion piece by Daniel Ellsberg. Like Snowden, Ellsberg was charged under the Espionage Act because he released the famous “Pentagon Papers” to the press in 1971. The Pentagon Papers were top-secret documents that exposed that successive presidents had lied about the Vietnam War. You really should read it, but […]


Snowden Snow Job?

Here’s an interesting twist to the Edward Snowden saga: “Have We All Been Fooled By Edward Snowden?” Some people have been looking into postings done by Snowden on various internet chat rooms and forums, such as Ars Technica. For example, in 2009, Snowden ripped into leakers and whistleblowers, saying they “should be shot in the […]


Nothing to Fear

UPDATE: An interesting article in The Guardian points out that Snowden is not a spy, despite claims by US authorities.



Daniel Ellsberg points out that thanks to the Patriot Act and similar laws, all of Nixon’s crimes would be perfectly legal today. Watergate would be legal, Ellsberg himself would probably be rotting in jail, and who knows when (or even if) the Vietnam war would have ended. We have not learned our lessons from history, […]
