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Monthly Archives: June 2008

McCain didn’t love America

The moral? People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Republicans should stop taking Michelle Obama’s remarks out of context to smear her, and instead concentrate on real issues. UPDATE: The Jed Report has discovered that Fox News removed McCain’s words saying he didn’t love America from their transcript of the interview. Hmmm, I wonder how […]


The elephant in the room

© Tom Toles


The best parody of the “Yes We Can” video:


Bloggers Get Obama Accuser Hauled Off in Handcuffs

Who says blogging doesn’t do any good?


McCain: No “Cunt-tree” for Old Men

I know this story has had way more attention than it deserves, but this video is hilarious:


McCain: Wooing Women?

John McCain has been noisily courting women Hillary Clinton supporters (both directly, and through Carly Fiorina), but this strategy might not work, especially considering how little support he is getting from Republican women. Take Harriet Stinson, the 82-year-old founder of Republicans for Choice. She has been a staunch Republican for 60 years, but she finally […]


The Cindy McCain Quiz

Test your knowledge of Cindy McCain. See how many answers you can get right: This quiz is in honor of Cindy McCain smearing Michelle Obama on Good Morning America today, where she brought up the “proud” gaffe, saying “I don’t know why she said what she said, all I know is that I have always […]


The O’Reilly Minute

23/6 condensed The O’Reilly Factor into one minute. Brilliant.


Oil prices: Yet another bubble

How many times do we need to get fooled before we wise up? As bubble after bubble in market after market drives up prices, how many times will we just sit there and take it in the wallet as those who are making obscene profits tell us “it is just supply and demand”? The truth […]


Keeping Muslims off camera

Here’s a tricky problem. We all have noticed that at political events, there are people sitting behind the politician that form a backdrop for the event. Most of us know that the campaigns pick the people who sit there, which is a “delicate exercise in demographics and political correctness.” On Monday, two women were prevented […]


Late night humor

“Al Gore. Think about it. If he endorses you, you’re getting an endorsement from a guy who has received an Academy Award, received a Grammy, and the Nobel Prize. Oh, and Gore also won a competitive eating contest.” -David Letterman “Al Gore has endorsed Barack Obama for president. How about that? Political experts say this is great, because […]


Another economic bubble

© Tom Toles


Conservatives Destroy Marriage

Following the California Supreme Court ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage, the clerks in three California counties have declared that they will stop performing wedding ceremonies entirely — for either homosexual or heterosexual couples — in protest. Once upon a time Rick Santorum and Pat Robertson predicted that allowing gay marriage would […]


Can we still call it the White House?

At the recent Republican state convention, at least one vendor was selling this button. But why limit the attacks to Blacks? Another button for sale said “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Deportation”. At least there was one button sold there that said “I will hold my nose when I vote for McCain”. Of course, […]


Cindy McCain stops stealing drugs, now stealing cookies

Well, actually, a cookie recipe. Again. Yes, I know that this seems like a trivial mistake, almost not worth mentioning. And indeed, the first time Cindy was caught stealing recipes I gave it a pass. I mean, it wasn’t like she was stealing drugs! But did she learn? No! Even though she blamed and fired […]
