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Monthly Archives: June 2008

When you run out of Republicans, call in the Democrats?

The twin cities of Minneapolis / St. Paul are hosting the Republican National Convention this summer, but they are having a big problem. They can’t find enough volunteers to work at the convention. In response, they are putting out the word that party affiliation is not important. “This is not about being partisan; it’s about […]


Who me, racist?


God won’t give the Republicans a single break

Two weeks ago we reported on the strange goings on in New York concerning the congressional seat formerly held by Vito Fossella (which incidentally is the only New York City congressional seat held by a Republican). Things were pretty strange then, but they just got even stranger. If I were a tele-evangelist, I’d claim that […]


McCain lies, media repeats lies as truth

McCain gave a speech last week in Houston to an audience of oil executives, announcing he now supports offshore oil drilling. To justify his flip-flop, he claimed that drilling is now so safe that “not even Hurricane Katrina and Rita could cause significant spillage from battered rigs off the coast of New Orleans and Houston.” […]


Broadcasting our Incompetence to the Arab world

The Bush administration founded the Arab language TV station Alhurra and radio network Sawa, to provide “an American perspective on world events and counter the wave of global criticism that had been building against the Bush administration since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.” We have funded their studios in Springfield, Virginia, with around $500 […]


Golfing for the Troops

From 23/6


Great Seal of Hypocrisy

The McCain campaign is attacking Obama because he gave a speech standing behind a seal that looks something like the presidential seal. They also implied that Obama committed a crime — even quoting 18 USC Sec. 713: “Whoever, except as authorized under regulations promulgated by the President and published in the Federal Register, knowingly manufactures, reproduces, sells, […]


A flood of photo ops

The governor of Iowa requested that McCain cancel a campaign visit to the flood-stricken state, because that would divert law enforcement away from flood relief efforts in order to provide security for McCain. But McCain refused and went anyway, visiting several sites. This despite the fact that President Bush’s tour of the state diverted hundreds […]


If Bush waves, but no one waves back, does he exist?


Engine Check

© Steve Sack


For Better or Worse

© Matt Wuerker


Same person wins both Dem and Rep nomination

Democrat John Kroger won the Oregon Democratic primary to become their candidate for Attorney General, but in an interesting turn of events, he is also the Republican candidate! Because the Republicans couldn’t find anyone willing to run for the office, election officials were left with counting write-in votes, and the winner was Kroger (defeating several […]


The Evangelical Base

© Don Wright


Obama: how is this change?

Despite Obama’s message of change in Washington, some of his recent actions look more like the old politics. For example, Obama recently recorded an endorsement for incumbent Congressman John Barrow of Georgia. Never mind that Barrow is an extremely conservative “blue dog” Democrat whose pro-war, pro-big-business, pro-eavesdropping, pro-telecom-amnesty and pro-Bush positions are what Obama has been promising […]


McCain promises to spend more taxpayer money than Obama

Yesterday, Obama confused conservatives everywhere by announcing that he will not be spending any taxpayer money for his campaign, instead using private donations. Conservatives immediately attacked Obama, not realizing that they are ironically attacking him for doing exactly those things that they claim to love. Next thing you know, conservatives will be telling us that […]
