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Monthly Archives: July 2009

Fishing for Answers

© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“Today, the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor got under way. And, of course, people have opinions on both sides. Critics of Judge Sotomayor claim that she has a bias against white people. But this morning, she proved them wrong by showing up at the hearings wearing a Coldplay t-shirt and carrying a […]


Beam me up!

© Mike Thompson


Your Country for Sale

Two stories today make it clear that, in the words Paul Krugman in the NY Times: I don’t think many people grasp just how raw, how explicit, the corruption of our institutions has become. The first story is about the American Conservative Union, who claim to be the “nation’s largest and oldest conservative grassroots lobby.” […]


Why do politicians have to retire before they will tell it like it is?

Jesse Ventura says what he really feels about Sotomayor, Franken, Palin (“I would never vote for her”), Michael Jackson, politician’s private lives (“They spent $100 million to discover Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary, when on 9/11 they only allocated $4 million to find out who killed 3,000 people”), and Obama (“He’s doing a heck of […]


Republicans are fearful of health care reform not because it will be bad, but because it will be good

Senator Bernie Sanders makes the excellent point. The Republicans try to scare us that socialized medicine will be terrible, but the truth is that we already have socialized medicine in this country — it is run by the Veterans Administration. If any politician tried to get rid of the VA health benefits, they would quickly […]


The Most Activist Supreme Court was Conservative

An excellent article at Five Thirty Eight points out that while conservatives claim that the Democrats want to appoint “liberal activist judges” to the Supreme Court, statistically, the most activist court in in modern history was the Rehnquist Court, a conservative court. The same article points out how the make-up of the court — conservative […]


The Case of the Deadly Verdict

After Sonia Sotomayor mentioned that as a child she loved watching Perry Mason on TV, and that it inspired her interest in the law, (new Senator) Al Franken got some laughs with his observation: It amazes me that you wanted to become a prosecutor based on the show, because in ‘Perry Mason’ the prosecutor on […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama had a private, 35-minute meeting at the Vatican with Pope Benedict. That’s right, folks, the man considered by many followers to be infallible had a meeting with Pope Benedict.” – Conan O’Brien “I don’t know if you’re following this, but earlier today, in Vatican City, President Obama had a historic meeting with Pope […]


Handing it to the Health Insurance Industry

© Tom Tomorrow


Sites are reporting that Sotomayor made Jeff Sessions her bitch, but I think he did it to himself

It is part of the game of politics that Republicans will attack Judge Sotomayor — heck, they attacked Obama’s nominee even before he announced who it was — but for Jeff Sessions, it is not a game, it’s personal. But the Republicans should know that when an attack gets personal, people make mistakes. And Senator […]


Gay Conservative Quotes

Conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks, who is not gay: You know, all three of us spend a lot of time covering politicians and they’re all emotional freaks. They’re guaranteed to invade your personal space, touch you. I sat next to a Republican senator once at dinner and he had his hand on my […]


Late Night Political Humor

“Latest rumor in the entertainment industry is that Sarah Palin may be getting her own TV show. Experts say it will be perfect for TV viewers who find Paula Abdul too coherent.” – Conan O’Brien “Sarah Palin no longer governor of Alaska, and it looks now, like she may get her own television program, you […]


Real-time political punditry

Leave it to The Onion to take what is actually reality and push it to its (il)logical and hilarious extreme. Watch this video of hypothetical political pundits who change their tune based on instant feedback from the audience. Is this really so different from what pundits already do, except just a little more real time?


New Reality Show: Who wants to get elected?

You can’t make up stuff like this. Randal Pinkett, who was the winner in season four of the television show “The Apprentice” (yes, the one featuring The Donald), is likely to become the running mate for Jon Corzine’s reelection as governor of New Jersey. Besides winning a job from Donald Trump on the show, Pinkett […]
